Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Intellectual property in seeds: the devices of legal enclosure in Argentina

The objective of this article is to examine the way in which legal enclosure processes are expressed around seeds in Argentina. From bibliographical analysis, legislation and interviews to key informants, a proliferation and complexity of devices is identified: the Law of Seeds and the various attempts to modify it; attempts to patent transgenic seeds; the disputes over the collection of the RR soybean royalties; the bilateral contracts signed by Monsanto and the producers in relation to the Intacta soybean; and the resolutions tending to reduce the own use of the seeds. These processes did not occur in a linear way and were crossed by tensions and conflicts. The problematic is still open and, therefore, the seeds in Argentina are an element of important debates and multiple disputes.
ThemePolicy Resources
PublisherInstituto de Investigaciones Gino Gemani, Instituto de Estudios de América Latina y el Caribe, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Publication year2018
RegionsLatin America and the Caribbean
Resource typePublications
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KeywordsSeed laws and regulations
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