Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Access and benefit sharing in participatory plant breeding in Southwest China

This contribution discusses access and benefit sharing within the context of participatory plant breeding. It presents how Chinese farmers and breeders interact in relation to crop improvement and on-farm maintenance of plant genetic resources. Based on more than a decade of action research, a number of institutional changes were accomplished as a result of the interactions between national and provincial breeding institutes, rural development researchers and local maize family farmers. Although the respective legislation in China is not yet adequately formulated, access and benefit sharing can still be addressed in contracts and by labelling products of a particular geographic origin.

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ThemeTechnical Resources
SubjectPlant breeding techniques and approaches
PublisherCentre for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture (ILEIA)
Publication year2016
Resource typePublications
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KeywordsAccess and benefit-sharing; Plant breeding; Seed management
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