Farmer Field Schools, as an extension approach to transfer technology transfer with the help of farmer to farmer trainers using demonstration centers as learning points
This practice was conducted through the project "Harnessing dryland legume and cereals genetic resource for food and nutrition security and resilient farming systems in Malawi and Zambia" which started in 2019, and implemented by ICRISAT, together with the Department of Agricultural Services (DARS) in Malawi, the Zambia Agricultural Research Institution (ZARI) and farmer associations with funding from the Benefit-sharing Fund. The main objectives are to build capacity of smallholder farmers to use improved varieties for food and nutrition security to enhance resilience in production in the face of climate variability, while realizing sustained incomes among women and youth, and to improve community dialogue/farmer research network including gender mainstreaming. Activities include: practical evaluation of best technologies through demonstrations, in addition to technology and knowledge dissemination through business planning and gender training. The main outcomes: enhanced farmers capacity of farmers to innovate and use of plant genetic resources for food and nutrition security; enhanced ownership and adoption of technologies; and enhanced equity and inclusion in the implementation of the programme. The main lesson learned is that the farmer field school approach is exemplary in the delivery of best-bet technologies whereby knowledge and skills are passed to farmers through a practical-based approach.
Most relevant categories | - Training, capacity development and public awareness creation
Also relevant categories | - Recognition of local and indigenous communities’, farmers’ contributions to conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA, such as awards and recognition of custodian/guardian farmers
- Approaches to encourage income-generating activities to support farmers’ conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA
- Facilitation of farmers’ access to a diversity of PGRFA through community seed banks, seed networks and other measures improving farmers’ choices of a wider diversity of PGRFA.
- Participatory approaches to research on PGRFA, including characterization and evaluation, participatory plant breeding and variety selection
- Farmers’ participation in decision-making at local, national and sub-regional, regional and international levels
- Legal measures for the implementation of Farmers’ Rights, such as legislative measures related to PGRFA.
Institution/organization | Research Centers and Academic Institution |
Provision of Art. 9 addressed | Art. 9.2b |
Types | Technical |
Countries | Malawi; Zambia |
Regions | Africa |
Keywords | Capacity development; Farmers’ Field school |
Resource link | |
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