Seed sovereignty and agroecological scaling: Focus on two cases of seed recovery, conservation and defence in Colombia
Seed sovereignty and agroecological scaling: Focus on two cases of seed recovery, conservation and defense in Colombia is a study based on two grassroots organisations that both belong to the Red de Semillas Libres de Colombia (Free Seed Network of Colombia or RSLC). The objective of the study was to examine the relationship between seed recovery, conservation and defense and the expansion of agroecology. From January 2016 to December 2017, fieldwork was carried out which included 16 semi-structured interviews with seed custodians, community leaders and specialists on the topics of seeds; focus groups were used; participant observation was carried out in 14 plots and photographs were taken. The study gathered important information detailing what seed sovereignty in Colombia is, cases of seed recovery, conservation, and coping mechanisms, the role of seed custodians organised in the Free Seed Network of Colombia, Agroecology and seed defense, collective actions and strategies toward the defense of seeds and agrifood autonomy and social reappropriation of territory based on native and creole seeds.
Most relevant categories | - Facilitation of farmers’ access to a diversity of PGRFA through community seed banks, seed networks and other measures improving farmers’ choices of a wider diversity of PGRFA.
Also relevant categories | - Approaches to encourage income-generating activities to support farmers’ conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA
- Catalogues, registries and other forms of documentation of PGRFA and protection of traditional knowledge
- Facilitation of farmers’ access to a diversity of PGRFA through community seed banks, seed networks and other measures improving farmers’ choices of a wider diversity of PGRFA.
- Participatory approaches to research on PGRFA, including characterization and evaluation, participatory plant breeding and variety selection
- Training, capacity development and public awareness creation
- Legal measures for the implementation of Farmers’ Rights, such as legislative measures related to PGRFA.
Institution/organization | Research Centers and Academic Institution |
Provision of Art. 9 addressed | Art. 9.2a; Art. 9.2b; Art. 9.2c; Art. 9.3 |
Types | Technical; Others |
Countries | Colombia |
Regions | Latin America and the Caribbean |
Keywords | PGRFA; Seed system |
Resource link | |
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