Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Participatory plant variety selection

The Malawi Plant Genetic Resources Centre (MPGRC) started working on the Participatory Variety Selection of 56 bambara nut accessions in the year 2001/02. The work involved three research stations in the Department of Agricultural Research Services namely: Chitedze in Lilongwe district, Chitala in Salima district and Mbawa in Mzimba district. Agricultural Extension Planning Areas (EPAS) and Farmers from villages surrounding the research stations were also involved in these activities. The major objective of the work was to identify high yielding and farmer-preferred accessions since the production of bambara nuts in Malawi is characterized by low yields. Core components included (1) farmer involvement, which contributed to Programme success and ensured farmer commitment in implementing the activities; (2) integration of local technical and scientific knowledge in the research process; and (3) development of readily acceptable varieties by farmers which is one of the fundamental research gaps in Malawi. The major outcome of the PVS was the official release by the Department of Agricultural Research Services through MPGRC of three farmer-preferred bambara nut varieties. Key lessons learnt included that integration of farmer preferences at an early stage in varietal development enhances adoption rates.
Most relevant categories
  1. Participatory approaches to research on PGRFA, including characterization and evaluation, participatory plant breeding and variety selection
Also relevant categories
Institution/organizationGovernment organization; Research Centers and Academic Institution
Provision of Art. 9 addressedArt. 9.1; Art. 9.2b
KeywordsFarmers’ Rights; Local varieties; PGRFA; Smallholder farmers; Traditional knowledge
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