Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Promoting the implementation of Article 9 through international cooperation and Official Development Assistance (ODA) (II)

The project "Improving seed systems for smallholder farmers’ food security", funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), is implemented by Bioversity International in Bolivia, Uzbekistan, Burkina Faso, Uganda, and Nepal with the objective of reducing vulnerability of smallholders by improving farmers’ access to diverse and adaptive crop varieties and quality seed and in local seed systems. The project started in 2013 and is now in its second phase (2017 – 2021). It focuses on enhancing capacity of smallholders and related institutions to produce seed of good quality in adequate quantities; developing seed marketing models to enhance value chains and improve seed delivery mechanisms; and improving quality of seed produced by engaging seed quality assurance organizations in the countries to develop alternative quality assurance mechanisms. More policy-related interventions around registration of farmers’ promising varieties and developing quality assurance mechanisms for farmer’s seed systems are also key aspects. Based on lessons learned the intervention strategy is guided by three principles: (1) the activities will primarily seek to ensure sustainability of the project’s interventions; (2) increased efforts will be made to inform and influence decision making processes; (3) actions will be adopted to ensure that possible gender differences are addressed.
Most relevant categories
  1. Training, capacity development and public awareness creation
Also relevant categories
  1. Recognition of local and indigenous communities’, farmers’ contributions to conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA, such as awards and recognition of custodian/guardian farmers
  2. Approaches to encourage income-generating activities to support farmers’ conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA
  3. Catalogues, registries and other forms of documentation of PGRFA and protection of traditional knowledge
  4. In-situ/on farm conservation and management of PGRFA, such as social and cultural measures, community biodiversity management and conservation sites
  5. Participatory approaches to research on PGRFA, including characterization and evaluation, participatory plant breeding and variety selection
  6. Farmers’ participation in decision-making at local, national and sub-regional, regional and international levels
  7. Training, capacity development and public awareness creation
  8. Legal measures for the implementation of Farmers’ Rights, such as legislative measures related to PGRFA.
Institution/organizationGovernment organization
Provision of Art. 9 addressedArt. 9.1; Art. 9.2a; Art. 9.3
CountriesNepal; Bolivia (Plurinational State of); Burkina Faso; Uganda; Uzbekistan
KeywordsCapacity development; Crop diversity; Food security; PGRFA; Seed system; Smallholder farmers
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