Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences between and among farming communities on the management and utilization of crops

Between 2001 and 2005, the National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA), together with several governmental and non-governmental organizations, facilitated knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences between and among 472 custodian farmers from 69 communities, comprising 10 administrative regions participating in an in situ conservation project of INIA. The objective was to share experiences and exchange knowledge systems related to the different management practices and important utilization of 11 priority native crops in order to enhance knowledge and prevent its ‘erosion’. The knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences took place at INIA Agricultural Experiment Stations located in 10 administrative regions, selected sites for the in situ conservation project of INIA, also identified as ‘micro-centres of genetic diversity’. These regions are, characterized by a high diversity of native crops and their crop wild relatives, in addition to cultural wealth, including in terms of traditional knowledge and customary management practices relating to PGRFA. As an outcome, INIA compiled an inventory of native crops and registry of traditional knowledge and reported 8,867 usages. The described measure is an effective way to re-valorize traditional knowledge for use by the farmers themselves and for in situ conservation activities, in line with the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the ITPGRFA.
Most relevant categories
  1. Catalogues, registries and other forms of documentation of PGRFA and protection of traditional knowledge
Also relevant categories
  1. Recognition of local and indigenous communities’, farmers’ contributions to conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA, such as awards and recognition of custodian/guardian farmers
  2. In-situ/on farm conservation and management of PGRFA, such as social and cultural measures, community biodiversity management and conservation sites
  3. Participatory approaches to research on PGRFA, including characterization and evaluation, participatory plant breeding and variety selection
Institution/organizationGovernment organization
Provision of Art. 9 addressedArt. 9.1; Art. 9.2a; Art. 9.2b; Art. 9.2c; Art. 9.3
RegionsLatin America and the Caribbean
KeywordsBiodiversity registries; Crop diversity; Farming communities; In situ conservation; Local varieties; PGRFA; Traditional knowledge
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