External funding – public and private sources
Both public and private entities in France provide funding for farmers, farmers’ organizations and other stakeholders engaging in the conservation of PGRFA. In addition, Article 28 of the Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 of 17 December 2013 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) requests Member States to establish measures in order to provide support for farmers and other stakeholders for the conservation and sustainable use and development of genetic resources in agriculture; genetic resources and breeding are also considered under the EU research program Horizon 2020 as a societal challenge. Examples are financial support of around 200,000 € annually for the national PGRFA conservation structure provided by the French Ministry of Agriculture through the French Variety and Seed Study and Control Group (GEVES), in addition to other contributions to support stakeholders and networks involved in the conservation and characterization of PGRFA, especially those under threat. Furthermore, the Groupement National Interprofessionnel des Semences et plants (GNIS), the French interbranch organization for seed, decided to contribute 175,000 € annually to the Benefit-sharing Fund of the ITPGRFA and the same amount to support French national PGR collections, both on a voluntary basis.
Most relevant categories | - Financial contributions to support farmers conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA such as contributions to benefit-sharing funds
Also relevant categories | - Approaches to encourage income-generating activities to support farmers’ conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA
- Catalogues, registries and other forms of documentation of PGRFA and protection of traditional knowledge
- In-situ/on farm conservation and management of PGRFA, such as social and cultural measures, community biodiversity management and conservation sites
- Participatory approaches to research on PGRFA, including characterization and evaluation, participatory plant breeding and variety selection
- Training, capacity development and public awareness creation
Institution/organization | Government organization |
Provision of Art. 9 addressed | Art. 9.1; Art. 9.2b |
Types | Others |
Countries | France |
Regions | Europe |
Keywords | Genetic resources; PGRFA; Sustainable use |
Resource link | https://www.fao.org/3/ca8726en/ca8726en.pdf |
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