Policy analysis to identify gaps in the legal framework for seed regarding the implementation of Farmers' Rights in Niger
In 2016 and 2017, farmers' and civil society organizations of Niger that are members of the agroecology platform RAYA-Karkara, conducted an analysis of the current normative framework, including policies and laws relating to seed, from the perspective of farming communities and their rights to seed. The analysis resulted in the following key observations: (1) farmers’ seeds and seed systems are of crucial importance for food security and sovereignty as well as biodiversity conservation; (2) farming communities exercise their rights over seeds mainly through their seed systems; (3) the realization of Farmers' Rights thus depends on the recognition and legal protection of farmers’ seeds and seed systems. However, the current normative framework has significant shortcomings in this regard, which have been illustrated by a case of biopiracy against Niger, in which a foreign seed company claimed ownership of the onion variety ‘Violet de Galmi’, originating from Niger; this claim was contested by the Government of Niger, alerted by civil society organizations and its own services. The in-depth analysis of the current normative framework has created the basis for a political dialogue between farmers' organizations and the government, in order to identify the necessary measures.
Most relevant categories | - Other measures / practices
Also relevant categories | |
Institution/organization | Civil Society Organization; Farmers Organization |
Provision of Art. 9 addressed | Art. 9.1; Art. 9.2a; Art. 9.2b; Art. 9.2c; Art. 9.3 |
Types | Others |
Countries | Niger |
Regions | Africa |
Keywords | Farmers’ Rights; Farming communities; Local varieties; PGRFA; Seed system |
Resource link | https://www.fao.org/3/ca6367en/ca6367en.pdf |
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