Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Crop contest at the Genetic Diversity Fair (G-Difa)

The Genetic Diversity Fair (G-Difa) was first held in 2018, coinciding with the National Congress on Genetic Resources, which included a crop contest. Bananas were selected as the focus crop, since they are widespread throughout Indonesia. Every province through its Regional Commission on Genetic Resources proposed one or more local varieties of bananas originating from their region. A board of judges then evaluated and assessed banana fruits based on several criteria and decided on the winners. This activity aimed to promote crop diversity of local varieties in Indonesia. For the next event in 2020, a different crop will be selected. This event raises awareness on the importance of local genetic resources among the public and benefits the local farming community, since the region from where the crop originated can gain economic benefits from the use and promotion of genetic resources. Lessons learned include that recognition of local varieties can help promote and increase their economic value.
Most relevant categories
  1. Approaches to encourage income-generating activities to support farmers’ conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA
Also relevant categories
  1. Recognition of local and indigenous communities’, farmers’ contributions to conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA, such as awards and recognition of custodian/guardian farmers
  2. Catalogues, registries and other forms of documentation of PGRFA and protection of traditional knowledge
  3. Training, capacity development and public awareness creation
Institution/organizationGovernment organization
Provision of Art. 9 addressedArt. 9.1; Art. 9.2b
TypesAdministrative; Others
KeywordsAwards; Crop diversity; Genetic resources; Local varieties
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