Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

‘SNP Semences Normes et Paysans’, a multi-stakeholder platform for dialogue and consultation between government, agricultural civil society and research too promote recognition of farmers’ seed systems

In Mali, the SNP Semences Normes et Paysans (Stakeholder Platform for Standard and Peasant Seeds) was established in 2017. It is chaired by the Ministry of Agriculture and its members are representatives of the National Assembly, of the Ministry of Agriculture and its technical services, farmer organizations working on peasant seeds, universities and research institutions, as well as supporting NGOs. The platform provides a space for political dialogue between the Malian government and Civil Society Organizations, particularly farmer organizations; its mandate is to promote the recognition of farmers’ seed systems and Farmers' Rights in Mali. The group provided an analysis of the existing legal framework governing seeds, identifying strengths and weaknesses in terms of the implementation of Farmers' Rights. On the basis of this shared diagnosis, the members of the SNP platform were able to develop proposals on how to fill existing gaps, which resulted, inter alia, in a common proposal for a chapter on farmers’ seed systems to be included in the national seed policy, which is currently under review. This example shows that a political dialogue with the real and full participation of farmer organizations can lead to a shared understanding of the issues and to proposals for realizing Farmers' Rights.
Most relevant categories
  1. Farmers’ participation in decision-making at local, national and sub-regional, regional and international levels
Also relevant categories
  1. Recognition of local and indigenous communities’, farmers’ contributions to conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA, such as awards and recognition of custodian/guardian farmers
  2. In-situ/on farm conservation and management of PGRFA, such as social and cultural measures, community biodiversity management and conservation sites
  3. Facilitation of farmers’ access to a diversity of PGRFA through community seed banks, seed networks and other measures improving farmers’ choices of a wider diversity of PGRFA.
  4. Participatory approaches to research on PGRFA, including characterization and evaluation, participatory plant breeding and variety selection
  5. Farmers’ participation in decision-making at local, national and sub-regional, regional and international levels
Institution/organizationGovernment organization; Civil Society Organization; Farmers Organization
Provision of Art. 9 addressedArt. 9.1; Art. 9.2a; Art. 9.2b; Art. 9.2c; Art. 9.3
KeywordsCrop diversity; Farmers’ Rights; PGRFA; Seed system; Smallholder farmers
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