Draft national legislation on plant genetic resources in Sudan (2016)
The proposed national legislation on plants drafted in 2011 by a task force of technical and legal experts formed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The draft legislation was then submitted to the concerned authorities in the Ministry of Justice in 2016 for further procedures and to the cabinet of ministers for approval. The draft legislation is aimed at: conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA to enhance food security and other public goods; facilitate access to PGRFA; equitable and fair sharing of benefits arising from the use of the PGRFA; and protection of farmer and community rights related to PGRFA. Chapter V, Section 35 refers specifically to the protection of Farmers’ Rights. It allows registration of new plant varieties developed and cultivated by farmers and protection of traditional knowledge associated with PGRFA. It further includes provisions on equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of PGRFA and enables farmers to participate in decision-making at the national level in relation to the conservation of PGRFA and on conservation, use, exchange and sale of seeds and propagating materials of farmers' varieties. The draft legislation, once enacted, would realize Farmers’ Rights.
Most relevant categories | - Legal measures for the implementation of Farmers’ Rights, such as legislative measures related to PGRFA.
Also relevant categories | |
Institution/organization | Government organization |
Provision of Art. 9 addressed | Art. 9.1 |
Types | Legal |
Countries | Sudan |
Regions | Near East |
Keywords | Farmers’ Rights; PGRFA |
Resource link | https://www.fao.org/3/ca8211en/ca8211en.pdf |
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