Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

BSF project "Harnessing dryland legume and cereal genetic resources for food and nutrition security and resilient farming systems in Malawi and Zambia"

"Harnessing dryland legume and cereal genetic resources for food and nutrition security and resilient farming systems in Malawi and Zambia" is one of the projects supported by the Benefit-Sharing Fund of the International Treaty for Food and Agriculture (Fourth Cycle). The project will enhance resilience to climate shocks and improve livelihoods by diversifying farming and supporting farmers in on-farm conservation of agrobiodiversity. Improved varieties and technologies will be disseminated for food and nutrition security. Farmers will be trained to produce Quality Declared Seed of adapted grain legumes and dry land cereals, and the technical capacity of the scientific community will be enhanced through their involvement in project activities. Moreover, the project will contribute to an enabling environment for Treaty implementation by developing national strategies, and strengthening partnerships and collaboration amongst stakeholders in Zambia and Malawi.
ThemeTechnical Resources
SubjectFarming Systems
PublisherFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Publication year(not set)
Resource typePublications
Resource link
KeywordsAccess and benefit-sharing; Recognition of the role of farmers; Agricultural biodiversity
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