BSF project "Improving Livelihoods of Smallholder Farmers Through Increased Bean Productivity, Production and Income in Zambia"
Due to a number of interconnected challenges, including the emergence of new pests and diseases, unpredictable weather patterns due to climate change, low access to quality seed of locally adapted bean varieties and poor agronomic practices, bean productivity in Northern, Muchinga and Luapula Provinces of Zambia is dramatically low. Farmers in the region experience bean yields of less than 0.5ton/ha. The project "Improving Livelihoods of Smallholder Farmers Through Increased Bean Productivity, Production and Income in Zambia" supported by the Benefit-Sharing Fund of the International Treaty for Food and Agriculture (Fourth Cycle) will improve bean productivity and income generation in the selected districts, enhance resilience to climate shocks and strengthen conservation of bean genetic resources in the target communities.
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