Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

BSF project "Participatory conservation and sustainable use of local landraces to improve the livelihood and the resilience of farmers to climate change in Yemen"

Yemen is facing an unprecedented food crisis and is one of the ten most food-insecure countries worldwide: over 60% of its population is affected, mainly due to drought and conflict. Biological diversity is threatened by several factors, including climatic changes and the prevailing conflict with its dramatic impact on the livelihoods of rural communities and local agrobiodiversity. The destruction of farms and inability of access to farmers’ fields is compounded by the detrimental effects on the economic situation, public services and institutional performance. The conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources is a key priority in the effort to achieve food security and combat climate change, as well as in the adaptation of agricultural production to various other biotic and abiotic stresses.  The project "Participatory conservation and sustainable use of local landraces to improve the livelihood and the resilience of farmers to climate change in Yemen" supported by the Benefit-Sharing Fund of the International Treaty for Food and Agriculture (Fourth Cycle) will re-introduce, conserve, disseminate and select 20-25 locally adapted varieties with farmers’ participation. It will also characterize, evaluate, document and pre-breed 20-25 landraces for traits of importance to climate change adaptation and resilience.

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ThemeTechnical Resources
SubjectFarming Systems
PublisherFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Publication year(not set)
RegionsNear East
Resource typePublications
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KeywordsAccess and benefit-sharing; Food security; Plant breeding; Seed management
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