BSF project "Strengthening community resilience in two Biosphere Reserves of Cuba through the efficient use of plant genetic resources: corn and beans"
The communities of the Biosphere Reserves of Cuba are vulnerable due to their geographical exposure, low income, dependence on agriculture for their livelihoods and limited ability to seek subsistence alternatives. The agricultural productivity in the region is affected by frequent hurricanes, erratic rainfall and droughts, rising temperatures and pests and diseases. The traditional genetic diversity of corn, common beans and “caballero” beans has been previously collected and conserved in the Institute for Fundamental Research in Tropical Agriculture (INIFAT), but its potential has not yet been fully exploited. The collection, characterization and evaluation against biotic and abiotic stresses of germplasm of bean and corn will be carried out in the Benefit-Sharing Fund project of the International Treaty for Food and Agriculture (Fourth Cycle) "Strengthening community resilience in two Biosphere Reserves of Cuba through the efficient use of plant genetic resources: corn and beans".
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