Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Cryopreservation and In Vitro banking: a cool subject – Preface from the editors

Plant breeding depends largely on having access to a wide variety of plant genetic resources, which are vulnerable to losses caused by biotic and abiotic threats when grown in the field or in a greenhouse. Thus, cryopreservation or in vitro banking is a safe strategy for long-term conservation of such genetic resources, which serves as back-up collections for field genebanks and reduces. However, more research is still needed. Cryopreservation projects must have clear goals, long-term funding, skilled technical support staff, necessary infrastructure, and well-defined procedures and protocols, so that they can be routinely implemented in plant cryobanks and help to establish backup collections of valuable plant genetic resources.
ThemeTechnical Resources
SubjectSeed system
PublisherPlant Cell
Publication year2021
Resource typePublications
Resource link
KeywordsRole of genebanks; Value chain; Agricultural biodiversity; Plant breeding
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