Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol – Fulfilling new obligations among emerging issues
This publication, released in 2019, focuses on the implementation of the post-Nagoya Protocol ABS legislation and practice based on a research project of the University of Bremen titled “New ABS legislation and practice and their compliance with the Nagoya Protocol”. The project, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and headed by Dr. Evanson Chege Kamau, examines how countries are coping as well as complying with the Nagoya Protocol and to what extent available country experiences can provide solutions to similar issues in other countries.In addition, the project examines how some of the issues that remained controversial or unresolved during the negotiations, or that have risen during the implementation phase are being resolved. Examples of such issues include questions about Digital Sequence Information (DSI); scope of provider rights; the role of databases and inadequate definitions of central CBD terminology such as genetic resources and utilization, among others.
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