The national agricultural research organization (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIAP) together with universities and association representing farmers and indigenous peoples established the Centers for Bio-knowledge and Agricultural Development (CBDAs). The CBDAs are aimed at: investigating the agrobiodiversity richness in the area in a participatory manner; contributing to the management and conservation of native seeds and propagating materials; multiplying seeds of diverse origin (including ‘formal’ and peasant seed) to contribute to food security and climate-change adaptation; and capacity and awareness development for farmers and society in general on conservation, management and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity. Between 2003 and 2016, five CBDAs were established, providing a physical space in which activities can take place. Key results include suitable varieties of potatoes, corn, beans, cacao, coffee, peanuts, and cassava in their agroecological conditions; seed production of native species and varieties, and re-introduction of these native crops to farmers’ fields. The main lesson learned is that the CBDA must have a management plan that allows sustainability; legal commitment of the State to finance CBDA’ activities is also important, as is the case of Ecuador, which enforces the Law for Agrobiodiversity, Seeds and Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture.
Category: 7.Participatory approaches to research on PGRFA, including characterization and evaluation, participatory plant breeding and variety selection
Type of measure/practice: Technical; Administrative