In 2017, the Global Crop Diversity Trust (Crop Trust) launched the ‘Food Forever Initiative’ in cooperation with several ‘champions’ from public and private sector. The aim of the initiative is to rally the support necessary from all stakeholders, ranging from politicians, farmers, chefs, businesses, to individuals, to drive positive change in the way we conserve, grow, sell and consume crop and livestock diversity. Specific attention is given to the role of smallholder farmers and how their access to quality seeds and to markets can be improved. ‘Food Forever Champions’ have agreed to join as advocates for this important cause. They are experts and leaders from all walks of life who are driven to speak out about the importance of food diversity. Partners of the initiative contribute, with their work, to implementing SDG Target 2.5, which specifically addresses the need for maintaining genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants, farmed and domesticated animals and their related wild species, including through the implementation of related international agreements. Together, the Crop Trust and the Government of the Netherlands provide for the initiative’s secretariat functions. Financial support is provided by the Governments of Germany, Norway, Switzerland and the Netherlands.
Category: 3.Approaches to encourage income-generating activities to support farmers’ conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA
Type of measure/practice: Technical