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This publication of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) aims to facilitate the understanding of the legal obligations of the Parties under the Nagoya Protocol.The guide, elaborated in collaboration with ABS experts from different regions and international institutions, serves as...
Category: Voluntary guidelines
Regions: Global
Publication year: 2012
This brief examines how current seed policies and laws in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda affect smallholder farmers’ practices in terms of seed selection, saving, and storage; replanting or multiplication; sharing; improvement; and marketing. The examination is based on three measures: the degree of recognition...
Category: Miscellaneous
Regions: Africa
Publication year: 2017
In response to a request made at the Ninth Session of the Governing Body, the Secretariat organized a Global Symposium on Farmers' Rights. The Global Symposium aimed to share experiences, innovative approaches, effective policies and best practices, and to promote learning between participants on implementing...
Category: Miscellaneous
Regions: Global
Publication year: 2023
Genetic resources for food and agriculture are essential to global food production in the face of population and consumption growth and are the building blocks for developing new materials adapted to changing climates, environments and production demands. This study focuses on the links between FAO’s...
Category: Miscellaneous
Regions: Global
Publication year: 2021
"An overview of the international regulatory frameworks that influence the conservation and use of underutilized plant species" was prepared by the Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species (GFU), in cooperation with the Genetic Resources Policy Initiative (GRPI). This publication is an effort...
Category: Miscellaneous
Regions: Global
Publication year: 2008