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In September 2020, FAO launched a radio training initiative airing various episodes across eight Somali radio stations. The ongoing radio programmes are divided into different series with 30 episodes in total, offering information on good agricultural practices, livestock, fisheries and nutrition, and...
Subject: Farming Systems
Regions: Africa
Publication year: 2020
Yams (Dioscorea spp.) are a staple food for millions of people in tropical countries. They also provide pharmacologically active compounds in traditional medicine and for the pharmaceutical industry. Yams are cultivated in about 50 tropical countries, not all of which provide their annual production...
Subject: Crop diversity
Regions: Global
Publication year: 2021
This report details the work of Farmer’s Pride project partners to create the largest ever produced database of in situ maintained landraces. It has a total of 19,335 records, including forage, cereal, pulse and garden crops and fruit trees. As the first example of an inventory for an entire region...
Subject: Seed system
Regions: Global
Publication year: 2020
In Africa, smallholder/peasant farmers produce and reproduce the majority of their own seed needs from season to season. Crops produced from this seed contribute substantially to food and nutrition security on the continent. Despite this, farmer seed receives little to no recognition in policy, and...
Subject: Seed system
Regions: Africa
Publication year: 2019
An olive breeding program was started in Tunisia in 1993 in order mainly to improve the fatty acid composition of the local cultivar ‘Chemlali Sfax’. ‘Zeitoun Ennour’ is a new cultivar obtained from a cross between ‘Chemlali Sfax’ and the local dual-purpose use cultivar ‘Chemchali Gafsa’....
Subject: Plant breeding techniques and approaches
Regions: Africa
Publication year: 2021