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Crop wild relatives (CWR) have contributed to crop domestication for millennia, but nowadays due also to human overexploitation of plants and other environmental resources they are threatened and hence they need protection to guarantee plant evolution and food supply for future human generations. At...
Subject: Crop wild relatives, neglected and underutilized species
Regions: Europe
Publication year: 2020
This report is a review of the scientific literature relating to Crop Wild Relatives and related aspects of crop genetic diversity conservation, carried out by the authors.
Subject: Crop wild relatives, neglected and underutilized species
Regions: Global
Publication year: 2011
CROPDIVA aim is to enhance European agrobiodiversity. The goal of this Horizon 2020 project is to put six underused arable crops back in the fields: oats, hull-less barley for human consumption, triticale, buckwheat, faba beans and lupins. Twenty seven European partners are joining forces to enhance...
Subject: Crop wild relatives, neglected and underutilized species
Regions: Europe
Publication year: N/A
This paper summarises selected research activities at Crops For the Future (CFF) in pursuit of its mission ‘to develop solutions for diversifying future agriculture using underutilised crops’. CFF is a research company focussed on the improvement of underutilised crops, so that they might be grown...
Subject: Crop wild relatives, neglected and underutilized species
Regions: Asia
Publication year: 2019
In sub-Saharan Africa, modern varieties released by the formal seed sector cover only a small part of the total crop acreage. Participatory approaches to crop improvement and seed production have been developed to overcome some of the barriers to modern variety development and seed distribution, but...
Subject: Plant breeding techniques and approaches
Regions: Africa
Publication year: 2011