Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

PGRFA doi:10.18730/65R1

Main descriptors
Organization/individual conserving the PGRFACentro Internacional de la Papa
Av. La Molina Nª 1895 - La Molina
WIEWS code: PER001 [Details]
Easy-SMTA PID: 00AD19
Local identifierCIP 440132
Creation methodAcquisition
TaxonIpomoea batatas (L.) Lam.
Common nameSweetpotato
Biological statusAdvanced or improved cultivar
Other identifiers
MLS statusIncluded
ProviderR. Jarret USDA - USA
Provider's sample DOI
Provider's sample identifier
ProvenanceUnited States of America
CollectorsNo collectors provided
Sample unique identifierL82-508
Date of collection
SiteUSDA PI Station - Griffin
Coordinates (lat/lon)33.24110 / -84.27290 [Show on map]
Georeferencing method
BreedersNo breeders provided
AncestryL8-21 x PC
DOI info
DOI Registered
or updated
2021-08-10 17:18:15
Created2017-10-08 10:34:26 via Batch Upload
Updated2018-11-21 15:22:06 by GENESYS
Publications and datasets citing this PGRFA (1-9 of 9)
PaperA taxonomic monograph of Ipomoea integrated across phylogenetic scales2019-11-11Nature PlantsPablo Muñoz-Rodríguez|Tom Carruthers|John R. I. Wood|Bethany R. M. Williams|Kevin Weitemier|Brent Kronmiller|Zoë Goodwin|Alex Sumadijaya|Noelle L. Anglin|Denis Filer|David Harris|Mark D. Rausher|Steven Kelly|Aaron Liston|Robert W. ScotlandNature
PaperThe horizontal gene transfer of Agrobacterium T-DNAs into the series Batatas (Genus Ipomoea) genome is not confined to hexaploid sweetpotato2019-08-29Scientific ReportsDora G. Quispe-Huamanquispe|Godelieve Gheysen|Jun Yang|Robert Jarret|Genoveva Rossel|Jan F. KreuzeNature
PaperReconciling Conflicting Phylogenies in the Origin of Sweet Potato and Dispersal to Polynesia2018-04-12Current BiologyPablo Muñoz-Rodríguez, Tom Carruthers, John R.I. Wood, Bethany R.M. Williams, Kevin Weitemier, Brent Kronmiller, David Ellis, Noelle L. Anglin, Lucas Longway, Stephen A. Harris, Mark D. Rausher, Steven Kelly, Aaron Liston, Robert W. ScotlandCell Press
PaperMetabolic diversity in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas, Lam.) leaves and storage roots2019-01-01Horticulture ResearchMargit Drapal, Genoveva Rossel, Bettina Heider, Paul D. FraserNature
PaperCaracterización molecular de cultivares nativos y variedades mejoradas de Ipomoea batatas L. "camote" provenientes de África mediante marcadores microsatélites2012 ThesisMaria del Carmen David SalasUniversidad Nacional Agraria La Molina
PaperEstablecimiento de un índice de genes en Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. usando secuenciamiento 454 a partir de bibliotecas de cDNA y desarrollo de marcadores microsatélites2010 ThesisTincopa Marca, Luz RosalinaUniversidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos
PaperGenetic Identity, Diversity, and Population Structure of CIP's Sweetpotato (I. batatas) Germplasm Collection2021-10-28Technical Advances in Plant ScienceNoelle L. Anglin, Ronald Robles, Genoveva Rossel, Rocio Alagon, Ana Panta, Robert L. Jarret, Norma Manrique, David EllisFrontiers in Plant Science
DatasetReplication data for: Potential Short-term Memory Induction as a Promising Method for Increasing Drought Tolerance in Sweetpotato Crop Wild Relatives [Ipomoea series Batatas (Choisy) D. F. Austin]2020-05-21Sweetpotato Biological ScienceGuerrero-Zurita Fernando, Ramirez David, Rinza Javier, Ninanya Johan, Heider BettinaCIP Dataverse
PaperPotential Short-Term Memory Induction as a Promising Method for Increasing Drought Tolerance in Sweetpotato Crop Wild Relatives [Ipomoea series Batatas (Choisy) D. F. Austin]2020-09-03Frontiers in Plant ScienceFernando Guerrero-Zurita, David A. Ramírez, Javier Rinza, Johan Ninanya, Raúl Blas, Bettina HeiderFrontiers in Plant Science