Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

PGRFA list

Found PGRFA (761-780 of 5016)
DOILocal IDTaxonomyCommon nameHolderBiological statusMLS status
10.18730/1H8YZCGN19254Allium cepa L. group dry bulb onionallium, OnionsCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Advanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1H8Z*CGN15761Allium cepa L. group dry bulb onionallium, OnionsCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Advanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1H90~CGN15762Allium cepa L. group dry bulb onionallium, OnionsCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Advanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1JD56CGN16432Allium porrum L. group leekallium, OnionsCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Advanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1DKPGCGN22668Allium scorodoprasum L.allium, OnionsCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)WildNot included
10.18730/1E6AMCGN16416Allium cepa L. group spring onionallium, OnionsCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Advanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1JD89CGN16435Allium porrum L. group leekallium, OnionsCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Advanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1JCX=CGN20778Allium porrum L. group leekallium, OnionsCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Advanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1DKRJCGN16414Allium sphaerocephalon L.allium, OnionsCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)WildNot included
10.18730/1E67HCGN14747Allium cepa L. group silverskin onionallium, OnionsCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Advanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1HC1KCGN16403Allium porrum L. group leekallium, OnionsCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Advanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/85246ALL 841Allium sativum L. Sativum Group, non-bolting (Prokh.) Maek.Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyTraditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/264248ALL 1890Allium sphaerocephalon L. subsp. arvense (Guss.) Arcang.Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyWildNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/84403ALL 784Allium sativum L. Longicuspis Group (Prokh.) Maek.Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyTraditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/1921752TAX 3219Allium jesdianum Boiss. & Buhse subsp. angustitepalum (Wendelbo) F.O.Khass. & R.M.FritschGenebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyWildNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/60568ALL 825Allium sativum L. Sativum Group, non-bolting (Prokh.) Maek.Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyTraditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.18730/13G1P1VI045373Allium sativum L. var. sativumGarlicWorld Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)Traditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/85020ALL 798Allium sativum L. Longicuspis Group (Prokh.) Maek.Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyTraditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.18730/13EJQFVI044595Allium sativum L.GarlicWorld Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)Traditional cultivar/landraceIncluded
10.18730/12FGQVVI037359Allium cepa L.OnionWorld Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)Traditional cultivar/landraceIncluded