10.18730/1H0Y1G | 130 | Amaranthus sp. | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/12VKD6 | VI050615B | Amaranthus tricolor L. | Amaranth | World Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Included |
10.18730/1H0XZE | 128 | Amaranthus sp. | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/46609 | AMA 56 | Amaranthus acutilobus Uline & W.L.Bray | | Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, Germany | Wild | Not included |
10.18730/132N7H | VI058981 | Amaranthus tricolor L. | Amaranth | World Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Not included |
10.18730/1H0Y3J | 135 | Amaranthus sp. | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/1MXSH0 | ICBA17594 | Amaranthus hybridus L. | | International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, United Arab Emirates | | Annex 1 crop |
10.18730/16G1BP | NGB04797 | Amaranthus spinosus L. | Spiny amaranth | National Centre for Genetic Resources and Biotechnology, Nigeria | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Included |
10.18730/13HMWB | QAT00219 | Amaranthus viridis | | Genetic Resources Section, Agriculture Research Department, Ministry of Municipality, Qatar | Wild | Included |
10.18730/1KVCS0 | ZWE00305 | Amaranthus thunbergii Moq. | | Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Institute - Department of Research and Specialist Services, Zimbabwe | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Included |
10.18730/1KVCZ6 | ZWE00312 | Amaranthus sp. | | Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Institute - Department of Research and Specialist Services, Zimbabwe | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Included |
10.18730/1KVD7E | ZWE00321 | Amaranthus hybridus L. | | Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Institute - Department of Research and Specialist Services, Zimbabwe | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Included |
10.18730/1367YS | VI063769 | Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. | Amaranth | World Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Not included |
10.18730/130GYF | VI054582 | Amaranthus gracilis Desf., nom. nud. | Amaranth | World Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) | Wild | Included |
10.18730/12QX6$ | VI046235 | Amaranthus tricolor L. | Amaranth | World Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Included |
10.18730/Y468W | ICBA14321 | Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. | Prince's-feather | International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, United Arab Emirates | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Included |
10.18730/Y45RC | ICBA14305 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Blood amaranth | International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, United Arab Emirates | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Included |
10.18730/18Y8XZ | GH10179 | Amaranthus cruentus | Allefu | CSIR-Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute, Ghana | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Not included |
10.18730/1HD7Z5 | GBS-AMC-0247 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Genetics, Biotechnology and Seed Science Unit, University of Abomey-Calavi, Republic of Benin, Benin | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/18Y985 | GH10190 | Amaranthus cruentus | Allefu | CSIR-Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute, Ghana | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Not included |