10.18730/1MWWR4 | 8469 | Amaranthus hypochondriacus | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/1MWWS5 | 8470 | Amaranthus hypochondriacus | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/1MWWV7 | 8472 | Amaranthus cruentus | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/1MWWT6 | 8471 | Amaranthus cruentus | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/1MWWYA | 8475 | Amaranthus caudatus | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/1MWWZB | 8476 | Amaranthus hypochondriacus | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/1MWX0C | 8477 | Amaranthus hypochondriacus | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/1MWX1D | 8478 | Amaranthus caudatus | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/1MWX3F | 8480 | Amaranthus hypochondriacus | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/1MWX4G | 8481 | Amaranthus sp. | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/1J46TS | GBS-AMC-0640 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Genetics, Biotechnology and Seed Science Unit, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1MWX5H | 8482 | Amaranthus cruentus | Amaranth, Amaranto, Ataco | Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, Ecuador | | |
10.18730/ZDN3B | ICBA15111 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Red amaranth | International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, United Arab Emirates | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Included |
10.18730/YF32G | SGB17045 | Amaranthus hybridus | | SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Zambia | Traditional cultivar/landrace | |
10.18730/YG5A2 | SGB09570 | Amaranthus sp. | Amaranthus, Pigweed | SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Zambia | Traditional cultivar/landrace | |
10.18730/J3GJM | 16167 | Amaranthus sp. | Amaranto, Amaranth | Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Costa Rica | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Included |
10.18730/1341KZ | VI058959 | Amaranthus blitum L. subsp. oleraceus (L.) Costea | Amaranth | World Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan) | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Not included |
10.18730/YEZHE | SGB16466 | Amaranthus hybridus | | SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre, Zambia | Traditional cultivar/landrace | |
10.18730/SMG2= | NGB0002399 | Amaranthus tricolor | 全红苋菜 | China National GeneBank, China | | |
10.18730/ZDP03 | ICBA15140 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Red amaranth | International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, United Arab Emirates | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Included |