Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

PGRFA list

Found PGRFA (81-100 of 751)
DOILocal IDTaxonomyCommon nameHolderBiological statusMLS status
10.18730/1NCBJ2CGN26023Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCBN5CGN26024Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCBR8CGN26025Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCBS9CGN26026Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCBTACGN26027Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCBVBCGN26028Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCBXDCGN26029Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCBYECGN26030Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCBZFCGN26031Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCC0GCGN26032Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCC1HCGN26033Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCC4MCGN26034Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCC5NCGN26035Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCC6PCGN26036Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCC8RCGN26037Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCC9SCGN26038Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCCATCGN26039Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCCBVCGN26040Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCCCWCGN26041Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)
10.18730/1NCCDXCGN26042Coriandrum sativumcorianderCentre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands (CGN), Netherlands (Kingdom of the)