Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

PGRFA list

Found PGRFA (1281-1300 of 4485)
DOILocal IDTaxonomyCommon nameHolderBiological statusMLS status
10.18730/1M1XX*ZM4456Cucumis sp. L.CucumberZambia Agriculture Research Institute, ZambiaTraditional cultivar/landraceIncluded
10.18730/1328PQVI056097Cucumis sativus L.CucumberWorld Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)Traditional cultivar/landraceIncluded
10.18730/1HS0VCGN20229Cucumis sativus L.cucumberCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Not included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/86894CUS 350Cucumis sativus L. var. sativusGenebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/V710EAzGR-8890Cucumis melo L.MelonGenetic Resources Institute, Azerbaijan
10.18730/YHJPBSGB11868Cucumis sp.SADC Plant Genetic Resources Centre, ZambiaTraditional cultivar/landrace
10.18730/1J83XCGN23004Cucumis sativus L.cucumberCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Not included
10.18730/QPC6TJO 250Cucumis melo var. flexuosusSnake cucumber, FaqousNational Agricultural Research Center, JordanTraditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.18730/132717VI057117Cucumis melo L.MelonWorld Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)Traditional cultivar/landraceIncluded
10.18730/1329HDVI057166Cucumis sativus L.CucumberWorld Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)Traditional cultivar/landraceIncluded
10.18730/16KZHVLBN 2046Cucumis melo L. var. flexuosusArmenian cucumberLebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI), LebanonTraditional cultivar/landraceIncluded
10.18730/V3VKSAzGR-4703Cucumis melo L.MelonGenetic Resources Institute, AzerbaijanAdvanced or improved cultivar
10.18730/1J4Y2CGN19825Cucumis sativus L.cucumberCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Not included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/63950CUM 224Cucumis melo L. subsp. melo (cantaloup group)Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/VQ2JMSVGB-19532Cucumis melo L.Melon, MuskmelonBanca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale "Mihai Cristea" Suceava, RomaniaAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/64038CUM 321Cucumis melo L. subsp. melo (adzhur group)Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyTraditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/63954CUM 230Cucumis melo L. subsp. melo (cantaloup group)Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1HHTKCGN21613Cucumis sativus L.cucumberCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Traditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.18730/1983W9GH995FCucumis sp.CucumberCSIR-Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute, GhanaBreeding/research materialNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/63891CUM 132Cucumis melo L. subsp. melo (cantaloup group)Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included