Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

PGRFA list

Found PGRFA (1561-1580 of 4485)
DOILocal IDTaxonomyCommon nameHolderBiological statusMLS status
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/90297CUS 443Cucumis sativus L. var. sativusGenebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/96575CUS 576Cucumis sativus L. var. sativusGenebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyTraditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.18730/1HQ77CGN19725Cucumis sativus L.cucumberCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Not included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/90265CUS 406Cucumis sativus L. var. sativusGenebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/12KRK9VI040182Cucumis melo L. subsp. agrestis (Naudin) PangaloMelonWorld Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)Traditional cultivar/landraceIncluded
10.18730/ZVCC82CS5062Cucumis sativus L.CucumberScientific Centre of Vegetable and Industrial Crops, ArmeniaBreeding/research materialNot included
10.18730/1JV6BCGN19838Cucumis sativus L.cucumberCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Not included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/96856CUM 558Cucumis melo L.Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyTraditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.18730/W4JN9SVGB-13995Cucumis sativus L.CucumberBanca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale "Mihai Cristea" Suceava, RomaniaTraditional cultivar/landraceIncluded
10.18730/W4JQBSVGB-13783Cucumis sativus L.CucumberBanca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale "Mihai Cristea" Suceava, RomaniaTraditional cultivar/landraceIncluded
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/223613CUS 605Cucumis sativus L. var. sativusGenebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1HVJ=CGN22251Cucumis sativus L.cucumberCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Not included
10.18730/ZV54=2CM5090Cucumis melo L.MelonScientific Centre of Vegetable and Industrial Crops, ArmeniaBreeding/research materialNot included
10.18730/11AEHZ3CS1031Cucumis sativus L.CucumberScientific Centre of Vegetable and Industrial Crops, ArmeniaAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/W4JTESVGB-14972Cucumis sativus L.CucumberBanca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale "Mihai Cristea" Suceava, RomaniaTraditional cultivar/landraceIncluded
10.18730/10MA7CGN24628Cucumis melo L.melonCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Traditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.18730/ZVEVD3CS1024Cucumis sativus L.CucumberScientific Centre of Vegetable and Industrial Crops, ArmeniaAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/34205CUM 473Cucumis melo L.Genebank, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research, GermanyAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1327X=VI056388Cucumis sativus L.CucumberWorld Vegetable Center, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan)Traditional cultivar/landraceNot included
10.18730/V6FHAAzGR-8222Cucumis melo L.MelonGenetic Resources Institute, AzerbaijanTraditional cultivar/landrace