Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

PGRFA list

Found PGRFA (201-220 of 3818)
DOILocal IDTaxonomyCommon nameHolderBiological statusMLS status
10.18730/152Q7GAPG 39245Lotus pedunculatus Cav.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/16E2VMAPG 83651Lotus corniculatus L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaBreeding/research materialIncluded
10.18730/14W53TAPG 32520Lotus palaestinus (Boiss. & Blanche) Blatt.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/14XAH3APG 33718Lotus hirsutus L.Temperate Legume PerennialAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/168JSAAPG 78016Lotus corniculatus L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/151C24APG 37864Lotus parviflorus Desf.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/153VK~APG 40409Lotus arborescens Lowe ex Cout.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/1512J~APG 37560Lotus ornithopodioides L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/155KKCAPG 42201Lotus corniculatus L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/14Z4NDAPG 35578Lotus ornithopodioides L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/14XNKRAPG 34072Lotus cytisoides L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/14X9KAAPG 33688Lotus maritimus L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/14W4ZPAPG 32516Lotus tetragonolobus L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/14XRF5APG 34164Lotus pedunculatus Cav.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/1419HBAPG 5014Lotus edulis L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/14X6DKAPG 33586Lotus gebelia Vent.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15RFGQAPG 61527Lotus tenuis Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaTraditional cultivar/landraceIncluded
10.18730/14XEJNAPG 33847Lotus ornithopodioides L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15121GAPG 37543Lotus ornithopodioides L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/150TP3APG 37308Lotus corniculatus L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaAdvanced or improved cultivarIncluded