Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

PGRFA list

Found PGRFA (81-100 of 544)
DOILocal IDTaxonomyCommon nameHolderBiological statusMLS status
10.18730/149JVWAPG 13504Macrotyloma axillare (E. Mey.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149JWXAPG 13505Macrotyloma axillare (E. Mey.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149JXYAPG 13506Macrotyloma daltonii (Webb) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149JYZAPG 13507Macrotyloma ellipticum (R. E. Fr.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149JZ*APG 13508Macrotyloma sp.MacroptiliumAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149K0~APG 13509Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149K1$APG 13510Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149K2=APG 13511Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149K3UAPG 13512Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149K40APG 13513Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149K51APG 13514Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149K62APG 13515Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149K73APG 13516Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/149K84APG 13517Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15EQZ7APG 51558Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15EREPAPG 51573Macrotyloma axillare (E. Mey.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaAdvanced or improved cultivarIncluded
10.18730/15ERPYAPG 51581Macrotyloma ellipticum (R. E. Fr.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15ERZ2APG 51590Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15ES8BAPG 51599Macrotyloma africanum (Brenan ex R. Wilczek) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15ESHMAPG 51608Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded