Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

PGRFA list

Found PGRFA (161-180 of 868)
DOILocal IDTaxonomyCommon nameHolderBiological statusMLS status
10.18730/13WWEAAPG 499Phalaris paradoxa L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15D515APG 49928Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaAdvanced or improved cultivarIncluded
10.18730/15D526APG 49929Phalaris canariensis L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/13WWFBAPG 500Phalaris paradoxa L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/13WWGCAPG 501Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/13WWHDAPG 502Phalaris brachystachys LinkPhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/13WWJEAPG 503Phalaris brachystachys LinkPhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/13WWKFAPG 504Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/13WWMGAPG 505Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/13WWNHAPG 506Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/13WWPJAPG 507Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/141BE=APG 5075Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/141BFUAPG 5076Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/141BG0APG 5077Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/141BH1APG 5078Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/141BJ2APG 5079Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaBreeding/research materialIncluded
10.18730/13WWQKAPG 508Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/141BK3APG 5080Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/141BM4APG 5081Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/141BN5APG 5082Phalaris aquatica L.PhalarisAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaAdvanced or improved cultivarIncluded