Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

PGRFA list

Found PGRFA (1921-1940 of 2344)
DOILocal IDTaxonomyCommon nameHolderBiological statusMLS status
10.18730/15WFKFAPG 65626Poa hybr.Temperate GrassAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/10PK6CGN24784Poa pratensis L.meadow grass (Poa), Meadow grass, MeadowgrassCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)WildIncluded
10.18730/VVRJASVGB-4690Poa pratensis L.Kentucky blue-grassBanca de Resurse Genetice Vegetale "Mihai Cristea" Suceava, RomaniaWildIncluded
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/297475GR 7482Poa pratensis L.External Branch North of the Department Genebank, IPK, Oil Plants and Fodder Crops in Malchow, GermanyWildIncluded
10.18730/1JAVY0NGB 8457Poa pratensisPoaNordgen, SwedenWildIncluded
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/1634471GR 12502Poa pratensis L.External Branch North of the Department Genebank, IPK, Oil Plants and Fodder Crops in Malchow, GermanyWildIncluded
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/633572GR 11702Poa secunda J.Presl subsp. juncifolia ecotype `poa ampla` merr. (big bluegrass) (Scribn.) SorengExternal Branch North of the Department Genebank, IPK, Oil Plants and Fodder Crops in Malchow, GermanyAdvanced or improved cultivarNot included
10.18730/1P1EVCGN21061Poa pratensis L.meadow grass (Poa), Meadow grassCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Advanced or improved cultivarIncluded
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/294707GR 4537Poa pratensis L.External Branch North of the Department Genebank, IPK, Oil Plants and Fodder Crops in Malchow, GermanyAdvanced or improved cultivarIncluded
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/7343791GR 13089Poa pratensis L.External Branch North of the Department Genebank, IPK, Oil Plants and Fodder Crops in Malchow, GermanyWildIncluded
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/1634372GR 12556Poa supina SCHRAD.External Branch North of the Department Genebank, IPK, Oil Plants and Fodder Crops in Malchow, GermanySemi-natural/sownNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/294486GR 4310Poa pratensis L.External Branch North of the Department Genebank, IPK, Oil Plants and Fodder Crops in Malchow, GermanyAdvanced or improved cultivarIncluded
10.18730/QQ69AJO 1085Poa bulbosaBlue grass, meadow grassNational Agricultural Research Center, JordanWildNot included
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/7718982GR 13252Poa annua L.External Branch North of the Department Genebank, IPK, Oil Plants and Fodder Crops in Malchow, GermanySemi-natural/sownIncluded
10.18730/1P1QUCGN22443Poa pratensis L.meadow grass (Poa), Meadow grassCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Advanced or improved cultivarIncluded
10.18730/T7881JP 36620Poa pratensis L.Kentucky bluegrassNARO Genebank, JapanBreeder's lineIncluded
10.18730/1JAZ3VNGB 5257Poa pratensisPoaNordgen, SwedenWildIncluded
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/295698GR 5680Poa pratensis L.External Branch North of the Department Genebank, IPK, Oil Plants and Fodder Crops in Malchow, GermanySemi-natural/sownIncluded
10.25642/IPK/GBIS/296110GR 6117Poa pratensis L.External Branch North of the Department Genebank, IPK, Oil Plants and Fodder Crops in Malchow, GermanyWildIncluded
10.18730/10PN8CGN24868Poa pratensis L.meadow grass (Poa), Meadow grassCentre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands, Netherlands (Kingdom of the)WildIncluded