10.18730/1500BB | APG 36465 | Trifolium michelianum Savi | Clover Balansae | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/1523QN | APG 38621 | Trifolium fragiferum L. | Clover Perennial | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/15S5X0 | APG 62244 | Trifolium fragiferum L. | Clover Perennial | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Other | Included |
10.18730/155MK7 | APG 42233 | Trifolium tumens Steven ex M. Bieb. | Clover Talish | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/16279A | APG 71504 | Trifolium subterraneum L. subsp. brachycalycinum Katzn. & Morley | Clover Sub | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/16820W | APG 77479 | Trifolium dasyurum C. Presl | Clover Annual | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/141J7Y | APG 5292 | Trifolium purpureum Loisel. | Clover Annual | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/7JNZK | IG 67899 | Trifolium plebeium Boiss. | Forages, Forage | International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas, Lebanon | Wild | Included |
10.18730/14P7KY | APG 26456 | Trifolium physodes Steven ex M. Bieb. | Clover Perennial | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/1670X5 | APG 76420 | Trifolium hirtum All. | Clover Annual | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Not included |
10.18730/14PGSW | APG 26750 | Trifolium subterraneum L. | Clover Sub | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/160X1V | APG 70152 | Trifolium subterraneum L. subsp. subterraneum | Clover Sub | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/165AF2 | APG 74678 | Trifolium subterraneum L. subsp. subterraneum | Clover Sub | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/15ZKZ8 | APG 68838 | Trifolium aintabense Boiss. & Hausskn. | Clover Annual | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/15YCVE | APG 67586 | Trifolium subterraneum L. subsp. subterraneum | Clover Sub | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/14CSGM | APG 16789 | Trifolium campestre Schreb. | Clover Annual | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/167J2U | APG 76969 | Trifolium hirtum All. | Clover Annual | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Not included |
10.18730/168H0V | APG 77959 | Trifolium fragiferum L. | Clover Perennial | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |
10.18730/7K4SC | IG 68593 | Trifolium campestre Schreb. | Forages, Forage | International Centre for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas, Lebanon | Wild | Included |
10.18730/16A4PG | APG 79613 | Trifolium subterraneum L. | Clover Sub | Australian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, Australia | Wild | Included |