Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

PGRFA list

Found PGRFA (2441-2460 of 85364)
DOILocal IDTaxonomyCommon nameHolderBiological statusMLS status
10.18730/14A46WAPG 14059Medicago doliata Carmign.MedicsAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/168AK7APG 77754Trifolium cherleri L.Clover AnnualAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/14Y9MUAPG 34713Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.SainfoinAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/13Z83TAPG 2920Medicago turbinata (L.) All.MedicsAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15S7B9APG 62290Trifolium hirtum All.Clover AnnualAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/145D44APG 9225Lotus corniculatus L.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaBreeding/research materialIncluded
10.18730/165607APG 74535Trifolium subterraneum L. subsp. subterraneumClover SubAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/16D94BAPG 82827Trifolium subterraneum L.Clover SubAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/14X0BAAPG 33392Trifolium lappaceum L.Clover AnnualAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/1499AKAPG 13199Crotalaria velutina Benth.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15DSZ9APG 50598Zornia sp.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/16F4S~APG 84737Medicago sativa L. subsp. falcata (L.) Arcang.LucerneAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/148ZG1APG 12885Crotalaria pallida AitonTropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15D74=APG 49995Indigofera spicata Forssk.Tropical Legume HerbaceousAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/1615TCAPG 70433Trifolium subterraneum L. subsp. subterraneumClover SubAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/13XMH4APG 1270Medicago truncatula GAERTN.MedicsAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/14XQE9APG 34131Lotus palustris Willd.LotusAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/148FZPAPG 12388Medicago polymorpha L.MedicsAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/16C2ZBAPG 81606Trifolium subterraneum L. subsp. brachycalycinum Katzn. & MorleyClover SubAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded
10.18730/15XP5WAPG 66860Trifolium subterraneum L. subsp. brachycalycinum Katzn. & MorleyClover SubAustralian Pastures Genebank of the South Australian Research and Development Institute, AustraliaWildIncluded