10.18730/1M00DS | GBS-COO-1351 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1HD86C | GBS-AMC-0254 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1HDKBU | GBS-AMC-0834 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1J68NQ | GBS-MES-0180 | Melothria sphaerocarpa (Cogn.) H.Schaef. & S.S.Renner | Egusi gourd | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1HDQ9E | GBS-AMC-0983 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1HDQMS | GBS-AMC-0999 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1HDQPV | GBS-AMC-1001 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1HDQFM | GBS-AMC-0994 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1HD1PT | GBS-AMC-0032 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1HDQQW | GBS-AMC-1002 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1HDQAF | GBS-AMC-0987 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1HDEGX | GBS-AMC-0678 | Amaranthus cruentus L. | Amaranth, Amarante | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1J507R | GBS-ABE-0929 | Abelmoschus esculentus Moench | Okra, Gombo | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYW9G | HGU003987 | Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal and Baudet | Kersting's groundnut | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYW3A | HGU003980 | Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal and Baudet | Kersting's groundnut | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYW18 | HGU003978 | Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal and Baudet | Kersting's groundnut | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1J5M8U | GBS-ABE-1929 | Abelmoschus esculentus Moench | Okra, Gombo | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYW7E | HGU003985 | Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal and Baudet | Kersting's groundnut | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1J5ME5 | GBS-ABE-1907 | Abelmoschus esculentus Moench | Okra, Gombo | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYVJY | HGU003960 | Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal and Baudet | Kersting's groundnut | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |