10.18730/1KZ85T | GBS-COO-0798 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KZ84S | GBS-COO-0797 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KZ86V | GBS-COO-0799 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KZ88X | GBS-COO-0801 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KZ89Y | GBS-COO-0802 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KZ8B* | GBS-COO-0804 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KZ8C~ | GBS-COO-0805 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KZ8E= | GBS-COO-0807 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KZ8G0 | GBS-COO-0809 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KZ8M4 | GBS-COO-0813 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KZ8Q7 | GBS-COO-0135 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KZ8P6 | GBS-COO-0815 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYWPX | GBS-COO-0024 | Corchorus olitorius L. | Jute mallow, Corète potagère | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYTV7 | HGU003937 | Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal and Baudet | Kersting's groundnut | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYTW8 | HGU003938 | Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal and Baudet | Kersting's groundnut | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYTX9 | HGU003939 | Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal and Baudet | Kersting's groundnut | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1J5QM~ | GBS-ABE-0745 | Abelmoschus esculentus Moench | Okra, Gombo | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYTYA | HGU003940 | Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal and Baudet | Kersting's groundnut | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYTZB | HGU003941 | Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal and Baudet | Kersting's groundnut | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |
10.18730/1KYV3F | HGU003945 | Macrotyloma geocarpum (Harms) Maréchal and Baudet | Kersting's groundnut | Traditional cultivar/landrace | Voluntary |