Organization/individual conserving the PGRFA | International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) Km. 45, Carretera Mexico-Veracruz
El Batan, Texcoco, Edo. de Mexico
CP56130 MEXICO Mexico WIEWS code: MEX002 [Details] Easy-SMTA PID: 00AC11 | Local identifier | DW 17899 | Date | 2021-06-29 | Creation method | Acquisition | Taxon | Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) van Slageren | Common name | Wheat |
| Biological status | Advanced or improved cultivar | Names | CDSS15Y00273T-099Y-099M-8Y-1M-0Y | Other identifiers | Other | GID 8919815 | Other | DW17899 | Other | CID 665400 SID 121 |
| MLS status | Included | Historical | No |