PGRFA doi:10.18730/13Q41X
Main descriptors
Organization/individual conserving the PGRFA | ICRISAT Plant Breeding Program Patancheru
PIN - 502324 India Easy-SMTA PID: 00BL49 | Local identifier | ICMV 2207 | Date | 2022-12-08 | Creation method | Novel distinct PGRFA | Taxon | Pennisetum glaucum (L.)R.Br | Common name | Pearlmillet |
| Biological status | Breeder's line | Names | | Other identifiers | | MLS status | Included | Historical | |
Breeders | ICRISAT Plant Breeding Program Patancheru
PIN - 502324 India Easy-SMTA PID: 00BL49 |
| Ancestry | Forage variety bred at ICRISAT by sib mating of selected progenies derived from land race IP 11838 from India |
DOI info
DOI | 10.18730/13Q41X |
DOI Registered or updated | 2022-12-10 16:28:32 |
Created | 2022-12-10 16:27:41 via GLIS XML protocol by ICRISAT-DMAS |
Updated | Never updated |
Resolutions | 3 |
Views | 10 |