PGRFA doi:10.18730/84WWR
Provider | United States Department of Agriculture |
Provider's sample DOI | |
Provider's sample identifier | PI 264985 |
Provenance | Republic of Türkiye |
DOI | 10.18730/84WWR |
DOI Registered or updated | 2024-12-27 07:09:09 |
Created | 2017-11-09 16:41:09 via GLIS XML protocol by ICARDA |
Updated | 2024-12-27 03:52:04 by GENESYS |
Resolutions | 20 |
Views | 24 |
Keywords | URL |
Passport data | http://grs.icarda.org/accessions/?IG=85706 |
Passport data | https://www.genesys-pgr.org/10.18730/84WWR |
Passport data | http://www.fao.org/wiews/data/ex-situ-sdg-251/search/en/?doi=10.18730/84WWR#details |
Passport data | https://grs.icarda.org/accessions/?IG=85706 |