PGRFA doi:10.18730/QPG88
Main descriptors
Organization/individual conserving the PGRFA | National Agricultural Research Center P.O. Box 639
19381 Baqa' Jordan WIEWS code: JOR105 [Details] Easy-SMTA PID: 00AW82 | Local identifier | JO 380 | Date | 1996-10-01 | Creation method | Acquisition | Taxon | Trigonella cylindracea | Common name | |
| Biological status | Wild | Names | | Other identifiers | | MLS status | Not included | Historical | No |
Provider | National Agricultural Research Center |
Provider's sample DOI | |
Provider's sample identifier | |
Provenance | Jordan |
Collectors | National Agricultural Research Center P.O. Box 639
19381 Baqa' Jordan WIEWS code: JOR105 [Details] Easy-SMTA PID: 00AW82 |
| Sample unique identifier | 96 JOR S 27-11 | Mission | JOR96 | Date of collection | 1996-06-12 | Source | | Site | Ma'an | Coordinates (lat/lon) | |
DOI info
DOI | 10.18730/QPG88 |
DOI Registered or updated | 2021-08-27 21:39:36 |
Created | 2018-11-07 16:24:33 via Batch Upload |
Updated | 2023-03-16 07:25:33 by GENESYS |
Resolutions | 25 |
Views | 70 |
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