Paper | Genetic identity in genebanks: application of the SolCAP 12K SNP array in fingerprinting and diversity analysis in the global in trust potato collection | 2018-05-24 | Genome | D. Ellis|O. Chavez|J. Coombs|J. Soto|R. Gomez|D. Douches|A. Panta|R. Silvestre|N.L. Anglin | NRC Research Press |
Paper | Cryopreserved potato shoot tips showed genotype-specific response to sucrose concentration in rewarming solution (RS) | 2018-11-10 | Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) | Rainer Vollmer, Rosalva Villagaray, Mario Castro, Noelle L. Anglin, David Ellis | Springer |
Paper | Ganancias genéticas en el contenido de hierro y zinc en papas diploides en tres ciclos de selección recurrente | 2017 | Thesis | Vilma Rocio Hualla Mamani | Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina |
Paper | The world's largest potato cryobank at the International Potato Center (CIP) – Status quo, protocol improvement through large-scale experiments and long-term viability monitoring | 2022-11-29 | Frontiers in Plant Science | Rainer Vollmer, Rosalva Villagaray, Mario Castro, José Cárdenas, Sandra Pineda, Janeth Espirilla, Noelle Anglin, Dave Ellis, Vânia Cristina Rennó Azevedo | Frontier |