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Genomics and phenomics are two very dynamic fields of plant science. The list below provides useful links to some of the most popular websites where information on these subjects can be found.
- NCBI Taxonomy Database It is a curated classification and nomenclature for all of the organisms in the public sequence databases. This currently represents about 10 percent of the described species of life on the planet.
- PlantRegMap The Plant Transcriptional Regulatory Map provides a comprehensive, high-quality resource of plant transcription factors (TFs), regulatory elements and interactions between them, advancing the understanding of plant transcriptional regulatory system.
- Arabidopsis Information Resource The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR): genome database for Arabidopsis thaliana. Central access point for Arabidopsis data, annotates gene function and expression patterns using controlled vocabulary terms, and maintains and updates the A. thaliana genome assembly and annotation.
- BarleyBase It is a USDA-funded public data repository for plant microarray data. BarleyBase is expanding to PLEXdb, the comprehensive Plant Expression Database.
- Cereal small RNAs Database (CSRDB) It is a bioinformatic resource for cereal crops consisting of large-scale datasets of maize and rice small RNA sequences generated by 454 Life Science sequencing.
- COPE - Context-Oriented Predictor for variant Effect It is a framework of Context-Oriented Predictor for variant Effect that can be applied to both protein-coding gene and transcription factor binding site.
- The IPK Crop EST Database It is a public available online resource providing access to sequence, classification, clustering, and annotation data of crop EST projects at the IPK.
- European Nucleotide Archive It is a globally comprehensive data resource for nucleotide sequence, spanning raw data, alignments and assemblies, functional and taxonomic annotation and rich contextual data relating to sequenced samples and experimental design. Serving both as the database of record for the output of the world's sequencing activity and as a platform for the management, sharing and publication of sequence data.
- Host-Pathogen Interaction Database It is a resource that helps annotate, predict and display host-pathogen interactions (HPI). These types of interactions underpin infectious diseases and are critical for developing novel intervention strategies
- International Rice Informatics Consortium It aims to provide access to well-organized information about rice and to facilitate communication and collaboration for the rice community, with germplasm diversity as a focal entry point.
- Genome size in Asteracea database It is is an exhaustive catalogue of genome size data for the family Asteraceae.
- GrainGenes It is a database for Triticeae and Avena mainly, with molecular and phenotypic information for wheat, barley, rye, and other related species, including oat.
- Gramene It is an integrated bioinformatics resource for accessing, visualizing, and comparing plant genomes and biological pathways. It hosts annotations for over 90 plant genomes, including agronomically important cereals (e.g., maize, sorghum, wheat, teff), fruits and vegetables (e.g., apple, watermelon, clementine, tomato, cassava), specialty crops and other plants of special or emerging interest.
- MetaCrop It is a manually curated repository of high-quality data about plant metabolism, providing different levels of detail from overview maps of primary metabolism to kinetic data of enzymes. It contains information about seven major crop plants.
- New PLACE - A Database of Plant Cis-acting Regulatory DNA Elements A Database of Plant Cis-acting Regulatory DNA Elements.
- Plant DNA C-values Database The DNA amount in the unreplicated gametic nucleus of an organism is referred to as its C-value, irrespective of the ploidy level of the taxon. The Plant DNA C-values Database currently contains C-value data for more than 12,273 species.
- PlnTFDB La base de données des facteurs de transcription végétale est une base de données intégrative qui fournit des ensembles putativement complets de facteurs de transcription (TF) et d'autres régulateurs de transcription (TR) chez les espèces végétales dont les génomes ont été entièrement séquencés et annotés.
- PathoPlant - Plant-patogen interactions It is a database on plant-pathogen interactions and components of signal transduction pathways related to plant pathogenesis. PathoPlant also harbors gene expression data from Arabidopsis thaliana microarray experiments to enable searching for specific genes regulated upon certain stimuli like pathogen infection, elicitor treatment, or abiotic stress.
- PNRD - Plant Non-coding RNA Database It is a comprehensive, integrated web resource for ncRNA, allowing searching, browsing, predicting, visualizing and downloading.
- Plant Organelles Database 3 It provides images of various plant organelles that were visualized with fluorescent and nonfluorescent probes in various tissues of several plant species at different developmental stages. The functional analysis database is a collection of protocols for plant organelle research.
- Plant Resistance Genes database - PRGdb This is an open and updated space about Pathogen Receptor Genes (PRGs), in which all information available about these genes is stored, curated and discussed.
- Phytozome - Plant Genomics Portal It is the Plant Comparative Genomics portal of the Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute, provides JGI users and the broader plant science community a hub for accessing, visualizing and analyzing JGI-sequenced plant genomes, as well as selected genomes and datasets that have been sequenced elsewhere.
- POGs/PlantRBP - Putative Orthologous Groups (POGs) It is is a relational database designed to facilitate cross-species inferences about gene functions and gene models in plants. The database integrates data from rice (Orza sativa), maize (Zea mays), Arabidopsis thaliana, and Poplar (Populus trichocarpa) by placing the complete predicted proteomes into "putative orthologous groups" (POGs).
- Tomato 150 Genome project It provides information about the genetic variation in the tomato clade that was explored by sequencing a selection of 84 tomato accessions and related wild species representative for the Lycopersicon, Arcanum, Eriopersicon and Neolycopersicon group.
- TropGeneDb - Tropical crops - genomic, genetic and phenotyping TropGeneDB is a database that manages genomic, genetic and phenotypic information about tropical crops. It is organised on a crop basis.
- UCSC Genome browser It is a large database of publicly available sequence and annotation data along with an integrated toolset for examining and comparing the genomes of organisms, aligning sequence to genomes, and displaying and sharing users' own annotation data.
- JBrowse 2 JBrowse is a general-purpose genome annotation browser that runs on the web or as a standalone application. It allows users to share sessions, open multiple genomes, and navigate between views.
- Gene Expression Omnibus It is a database repository of high-throughput gene expression data and hybridization arrays, chips, and microarrays. Tools are provided to help users query and download experiments and curated gene expression profiles.
- Germinate It is an open source plant database infrastructure and application programming platform on which complex data from genetic resources collections can be stored, queried, and visualized using common, reusable, programming components.
- PLEXdb It is the succesor of BarleyBase and it provides a unified web interface to support the functional interpretation of highly parallel microarray experiments integrated with traditional structural genomics and phenotypic data.
- transPLANT It is is a European-Union funded e-infrastructure to support computational analysis of genomic data from crop and model plants.
- REPET It is a package of bioinformatics programs used to tackle biological issues at the genomic scale. It is distributed under the CeCILL license.
- Ephesis It is a web portal dedicated to phenotype and environment experimental trials. It allows the building of phenotyping datasets based on multiple trials, on several years and places.
- PGSB PlantsDB It is a database framework for the comparative analysis and visualization of plant genome data. It provides specialized tools and interfaces to address user demands for intuitive access to complex plant genome data.
- Rice SNP-Seek Database It provides Genotype, Phenotype, and Variety Information for rice (Oryza sativa L.)
- NARO Genebank Plant Search Japan It is the plant search form of the Genebank at the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) of Japan.
- BGI Genomics Founded in 1999, BGI is one of the world's leading life science and genomics organizations.
- Database of Plant Diseases in Japan It is a database established based on Common names of plant diseases in Japan compiled by Phytopathological Society of Japan.
- Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources under the CBD This page summarizes what has been done on digital sequence information on genetic resources under the CBD process, including the work of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Benefit-sharing from the Use of Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources
- Ensembl Plants It is an integrative resource presenting genome-scale information for 39 sequenced plant species.
- NCBI - Genome The National Center for Biotechnology Information of the United States of America advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information, including information about major crops and other plants.
- Plant GARDEN The Genome and Resource Database Entry is a portal site that curates genome and marker information of various plant species. The portal is supported by the Kazusa DNA Research Institute.
- Plant rDNA database 4 It is provices information on numbers and positions of ribosomal DNA signals and their structures for 2770 plant species (4948 entries). The data have been obtained from 785 publications on plant molecular cytogenetics. Plant rDNA database 4
- The Biodiversity Digital Twin (BioDT) project BioDT brings together major DNA analysis research infrastructures and LUMI Supercomputer technology, to provide FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) evidence-based simulations and use cases, on the interactions between species and their environment, including Crop Wild Relatives (CWR), to breed more climate resistant varieties to enhance food security. The Naturalis initiative connects BioDT with other European projects and policies, such as the EU Green Deal, Biodiversity Strategy 2030, and UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Under development.
The list below provides links to useful websites.
- Easy-SMTA It is the Information Technology System developed in support of the users of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Transfer material using a Standard Material Transfer Agreement.
- Toolbox for Sustainable use of PGRFA The Toolbox is for people seeking information or guidance on policies, strategies and activities that can promote and enhance the sustainable use of PGRFA, particularly at national and local levels.
- GRIN-Global The GRIN-Global project's mission is to provide a scalable version of the Germplasm Resource Information Network (GRIN) suitable for use by any interested genebank in the world. The GRIN-Global database platform has been and is being implemented at various genebanks around the world. For more information about GRIN-Global, review this website's pages or contact the GG International Help Desk. The first version, 1.0.7, was released in December, 2011 in a joint effort by the Global Crop Diversity Trust, Bioversity International, and the Agricultural Research Service of the USDA. The U.S. National Plant Germplasm System version ( entered into production on November 30, 2015.
- CAPFITOGEN tools Tools developed as part of the CAPFITOGEN program are focused on the development of appropriate technologies for countries which are extremely agrobiodiverse but have limited economic resources. Its function is to develop and transfer technology and provide the appropriate training for technical personnel from those Latin American countries signatories to the International Treaty.
- Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) It monitors the condition of major foodcrops across the globe to assess production prospects. To support the analysis and supplement ground-based information, GIEWS utilizes remote sensing data that can provide a valuable insight on water availability and vegetation health during the cropping seasons. In addition to rainfall estimates and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), GIEWS and FAO's OCB Division have developed the Agricultural Stress Index (ASI), a quick-look indicator for the early identification of agricultural areas probably affected by dry spells, or drought in extreme cases.
- UNCCD Drought Toolbox It is a knowledge hub providing drought stakeholders with easy access to resources to support action on drought preparedness with the aim to boost the resilience of people and ecosystems. it provides information and tools for the monitoring and early warning, vulnerability and risk assessment and risk mitigation measures.
- Diversity Assessment Tool for Agrobiodiversity and Resilience The Diversity Assessment Tool for Agrobiodiversity and Resilience (DATAR) is a new open-source pilot software platform with a web interface, the DATAR Web Portal, and an Android App that will allow the integration of diverse crop varieties, livestock breeds, and aquatic farmed-types into decision-making plans. The tool has been designed to enable country teams to collaborate and jointly assess biodiversity information from multiple angles.