Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Publications and datasets citing GLIS DOIs

Showing 21-40 of 142 items.
Resource DOITypeTitlePublishedAuthorsJournalPublisherCited DOIs
10.1093/aob/mcz093PaperVariation in seed longevity among diverse Indica rice varieties2019‑06‑10Jae-Sung Lee|Marlina Velasco-Punzalan|Myrish Pacleb|Rocel Valdez|Tobias Kretzschmar|Kenneth L McNally|Abdel M Ismail|Pompe C Sta. Cruz|N Ruaraidh Sackville Hamilton|Fiona R HayAnnals of BotanyOxford Academic299
10.15258/sst.2018.46.1.16PaperResponse of intact seeds of wild rice (Oryza) species to dry heat treatment and dormancy-breaking chemicals2018‑03 S. E. Timple|F. R. Hay|M. F. O. Mercado|T. H. Borromeo|P. C. Sta. CruzSeed Science and TechnologyInternational Seed Testing Association15
10.1089/bio.2018.0026PaperFurther Evidence That the Genebank Standards for Drying Orthodox Seeds May Not Be Optimal for Subsequent Seed Longevity2018 K. J. Whitehouse|O. F. Owoborode|O. O. Adebayo|O. A. Oyatomi|A. B. Olaniyan|M. T. Abberton|F. R. HayBiopreservation and BiobankingMary Ann Liebert, Inc.3
10.3390/d12030088PaperGenotyping-By-Sequencing Reveals Population Structure and Genetic Diversity of a Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) Collection2020‑02‑27Alemayehu Teressa Negawo|Yilikal Assefa|Jean Hanson|Asebe Abdena|Meki S. Muktar|Ermias Habte|Alieu M. Sartie|Chris S. JonesDiversityMDPI41
10.1139/gen-2017-0201PaperGenetic identity in genebanks: application of the SolCAP 12K SNP array in fingerprinting and diversity analysis in the global in trust potato collection2018‑05‑24D. Ellis|O. Chavez|J. Coombs|J. Soto|R. Gomez|D. Douches|A. Panta|R. Silvestre|N.L. AnglinGenomeNRC Research Press249
10.1038/s41477-019-0535-4PaperA taxonomic monograph of Ipomoea integrated across phylogenetic scales2019‑11‑11Pablo Muñoz-Rodríguez|Tom Carruthers|John R. I. Wood|Bethany R. M. Williams|Kevin Weitemier|Brent Kronmiller|Zoë Goodwin|Alex Sumadijaya|Noelle L. Anglin|Denis Filer|David Harris|Mark D. Rausher|Steven Kelly|Aaron Liston|Robert W. ScotlandNature PlantsNature139
10.1093/jxb/ery358PaperSeed longevity phenotyping: recommendations on research methodology2018‑05‑11Fiona R. Hay|Rocel Valdez|Jae-Sung Lee|Pompe C. Sta. CruzJournal of Experimental BotanySociety for Experimental Biology40
10.25081/jsa.2020.v4.6164PaperRice Breeding Strategies in the Philippines2020 Alvin D. Palanog|Cielo Luz C. Mondejar|Gerald E. Bello|Mark Ian C Calayugan|May Osano Palanog|Xavier Greg I. Caguiat|Marilyn C. Ferrer|Leo T. Sta. InesJournal of Scientific AgricultureUpdate Publishing House5
10.1039/c8pp00567bPaperResponses of flavonoid profile and associated gene expression to solar blue and UV radiation in two accessions of Vicia faba L. from contrasting UV environments2019‑01‑04Yan Yan|Frederick L. Stoddard|Susanne Neugart|Victor O. Sadras|Anders Lindfors|Luis Orlando Morales|Pedro J. AphaloPhotochemical and Photobiological SciencesThe Royal Society of Chemistry0
10.1111/pbr.12772PaperDevelopment and validation of a robust KASP marker for zt2 locus in faba bean (Vicia faba)2019‑10‑28Stefano Zanotto, Albert Vandenberg, Hamid KhazaeiPlant BreedingWiley1
10.1101/830059PaperUnraveling the complex story of intergenomic recombination in ABB allotriploid bananas2019‑11‑04A. Cenci|J. Sardos|Y. Hueber|G. Martin|C. Breton|N. Roux|R. Swennen|S. C. Carpentier|M. RouardPreprintbioRxiv43
10.1063/5.0016403PaperLocal rice genetic resource management in AIAT Yogyakarta: For supporting Industrial Revolution 4.02020‑09‑16Setyorini Widyayanti, Nurul Hidayatun, Hakim Kurniawan, Kristamtini, SudarmajiAIP Conference ProceedingsAIP Publishing55
10.1007/s12571-020-01047-6PaperUse and benefits of tree germplasm from the World Agroforestry genebank for smallholder farmers in Kenya2020‑06‑08Kavengi Kitonga, Nelissa Jamora, Melinda Smale, Alice MuchugiGenebanks and Food Security in a Changing AgricultureSpringer Link1
10.3390/agronomy10081191PaperGenetics of Height and Branching in Faba Bean (Vicia faba)2020‑08‑13Jessa Hughes, Hamid Khazaei, Albert VandenbergAgronomyMDPI2
10.1007/s12571-020-01037-8PaperAndean potato diversity conserved in the International Potato Center genebank helps develop agriculture in Uganda: the example of the variety 'Victoria'2020‑05‑22Vivian Bernal-Galeano, George Norton, David Ellis, Noelle L. Anglin, Guy Hareau, Melinda Smale, Nelissa Jamora, Jeffrey Alwang, Willy PradelFood SecuritySpringer2
10.21273/HORTSCI15238-20PaperThe Study of Genetics of Flower Color in Faba Bean Reveals Generous Diversity to Be Used in the Horticulture Industry2020‑08‑20Jessa Hughes, Hamid Khazaei, Albert VandenbergHortScienceAmerican Society for Horticultural Science2
10.1017/S0960258517000277PaperHigh-temperature stress during drying improves subsequent rice (Oryza sativa L.) seed longevity2017‑11‑17Katherine J. Whitehouse, Fiona R. Hay, Richard H. EllisCambridge CoreCambridge University Press1
10.17138/tgft(9)89-96PaperVarietal differences in yield and nutritional quality of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) accessions during 20 months after planting in Ethiopia2021‑01‑31Tessema Atumo, Christopher Stephen JonesTropical grasslandsForages for the Future9ón molecular de tres aislamientos de Sweet potato leaf curl virus y sinergismo con el Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus2015 Marco Enrique Gálvez GargurevichThesisUniversidad Nacional Agraria La Molina45
10.1186/2047-217X-3-8PaperThe 3,000 rice genomes project: new opportunities and challenges for future rice research2014‑05‑28Jia-Yang Li|Jun Wang|Robert S ZieglerGigaScienceOxford University Press2,597