Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Publications and datasets citing GLIS DOIs

Showing 61-80 of 141 items.
Resource DOITypeTitlePublishedAuthorsJournalPublisherCited DOIs
10.1094/PDIS-07-17-0945-PDNPaperFirst Report of Potato virus S Naturally Infecting Arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) in Peru2017‑11‑27J. De Souza, H. Gamarra, G. Müller, J. KreuzePlant DiseaseAPS Publications1ón de inductores de resistencia y fungicidas en el control de Phytophthora infestans en tres variedades de papa en condiciones agroecológicos de Paucartambo2018 Miriam Yanet AYRA ÁLVAREZThesisUniversidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión1ón de cinco familias de semilla sexual de papa en condiciones de Sierra Central del Perú2018 Gabriela Cárdenas HuamánThesisUniversidad Nacional Agraria La Molina3
10.1089/bio.2018.0026PaperFurther Evidence That the Genebank Standards for Drying Orthodox Seeds May Not Be Optimal for Subsequent Seed Longevity2018 K. J. Whitehouse|O. F. Owoborode|O. O. Adebayo|O. A. Oyatomi|A. B. Olaniyan|M. T. Abberton|F. R. HayBiopreservation and BiobankingMary Ann Liebert, Inc.3
10.15258/sst.2018.46.1.10PaperHigh-temperature drying of seeds of wild Oryza species intended for long-term storage2018‑02 Stephen E. Timple, Fiona R. HaySeed Science and TechnologyInternational Seed Testing Association4
10.15258/sst.2018.46.1.16PaperResponse of intact seeds of wild rice (Oryza) species to dry heat treatment and dormancy-breaking chemicals2018‑03 S. E. Timple|F. R. Hay|M. F. O. Mercado|T. H. Borromeo|P. C. Sta. CruzSeed Science and TechnologyInternational Seed Testing Association15
10.1007/s10722-018-0619-4PaperGenotyping-by-sequencing reveals the origin of the Tunisian relatives of cultivated carrot (Daucus carota)2018‑03‑06Najla Mezghani|Holly Ruess|Neji Tarchoun|Jihene Ben Amor|Philipp W. Simon|David M. SpoonerGenetic Resources and Crop EvolutionSpringer55
10.1016/j.jfca.2018.03.004PaperPotential and application of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to estimate iron and zinc concentration in potato tubers2018‑03‑27Paola Sosa, Georgia Guild, Gabriela Burgos, Merideth Bonierbale, Thomas zum FeldeJournal of Food Composition and AnalysisElsevier2
10.1007/s12230-017-9618-9PaperPreliminary Evidence of Nocturnal Transpiration and Stomatal Conductance in Potato and their Interaction with Drought and Yield2018‑04 David A. Ramírez, Wendy Yactayo, José L. Rolando, Roberto QuirozAmerical Journal of Potato ResearchSpringer2
10.1016/j.cub.2018.03.020PaperReconciling Conflicting Phylogenies in the Origin of Sweet Potato and Dispersal to Polynesia2018‑04‑12Pablo Muñoz-Rodríguez, Tom Carruthers, John R.I. Wood, Bethany R.M. Williams, Kevin Weitemier, Brent Kronmiller, David Ellis, Noelle L. Anglin, Lucas Longway, Stephen A. Harris, Mark D. Rausher, Steven Kelly, Aaron Liston, Robert W. ScotlandCurrent BiologyCell Press122
10.1093/jxb/ery358PaperSeed longevity phenotyping: recommendations on research methodology2018‑05‑11Fiona R. Hay|Rocel Valdez|Jae-Sung Lee|Pompe C. Sta. CruzJournal of Experimental BotanySociety for Experimental Biology40
10.1139/gen-2017-0201PaperGenetic identity in genebanks: application of the SolCAP 12K SNP array in fingerprinting and diversity analysis in the global in trust potato collection2018‑05‑24D. Ellis|O. Chavez|J. Coombs|J. Soto|R. Gomez|D. Douches|A. Panta|R. Silvestre|N.L. AnglinGenomeNRC Research Press249
10.1007/s00122-018-3123-5PaperMolecular and genetic characterization of the Ryadg locus on chromosome XI from Andigena potatoes conferring extreme resistance to potato virus Y2018‑05‑31María del Rosario Herrera, Laura Jara Vidalon, Juan D. Montenegro, Cinzia Riccio, Frank Guzman, Ida Bartolini, Marc GhislainTheoretical and Applied GeneticsSpringer13
10.20944/preprints201806.0426.v1PaperWhen water runs dry and temperature heats up: Understanding the mechanisms in rice tolerance to drought and high temperature stress conditions2018‑06‑26Roel Rabara|Joseph Msanne|Marilyn Ferrer|Supratim BasuPrePrintsPrePrints2
10.1017/S0960258518000211PaperImprovement in rice seed storage longevity from high-temperature drying is a consistent positive function of harvest moisture content above a critical value2018‑07‑10K.J. Whitehouse|F.R. Hay|R.H. EllisSeed Science ResearchCambridge University Press (CUP)19
10.1017/S1479262118000205PaperILB 938, a valuable faba bean (Vicia faba L.) accession2018‑08‑06H. Khazaei|W. Link|K. Street|F. L. StoddardPlant Genetic ResourcesCambridge University Press1
10.1038/s41467-018-05538-1PaperAn imputation platform to enhance integration of rice genetic resources2018‑08‑25Diane R. Wang|Francisco J. Agosto-Pérez|Dmytro Chebotarov|Yuxin Shi|Jonathan Marchini|Melissa Fitzgerald|Kenneth L. McNally|Nickolai Alexandrov|Susan R. McCouchNature CommunicationsNature Research3,956
10.1007/s11240-018-1520-8PaperCryopreserved potato shoot tips showed genotype-specific response to sucrose concentration in rewarming solution (RS)2018‑11‑10Rainer Vollmer, Rosalva Villagaray, Mario Castro, Noelle L. Anglin, David EllisPlant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC)Springer93 de transmisión del virus del amarillamiento de las venas de la papa (PYVV) por Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)2019 Luis Alejandro Cumapa CuelloThesisUniversidad Nacional Agraria La Molina2ámetros de estabilidad genético del rendimiento de ocho genotipos de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.), evaluados en seis localidades de la Sierra Norte del Perú2019 Héctor Antonio Cabrera HoyosThesisUniversidad Nacional de Cajamarca1