Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Publications and datasets citing GLIS DOIs

Showing 61-80 of 164 items.
Resource DOITypeTitlePublishedAuthorsJournalPublisherCited DOIs
10.1017/S1473550417000453PaperExtreme salinity as a challenge to grow potatoes under Mars-like soil conditions: targeting promising genotypes2017‑11‑16David A. Ramírez, Jan Kreuze, Walter Amoros, Julio E. Valdivia-Silva, Joel Ranck, Sady Garcia, Elisa Salas, Wendy YactayoCambridge CoreCambridge University Press9 trial of Lablab (Lablab purpureus) genotypes under rain fed conditions in Ethiopia2021‑12 Ermias Habte, Abel Gari, Hailu Lire, Chris JonesResearch Program on LivestockCGIAR143
10.1094/PDIS-02-24-0490-PDNPaperFirst report of Colletotrichum incanum causing leaf spots on common bean in Europe (Slovenia)2024‑04‑28Schroers H.-J., Zajc J., Pipan B., Meglič V., Kovačec E., Žerjav M.APS PublicationsThe American Phytopathological Society (APS)1
10.1094/PDIS-07-17-0945-PDNPaperFirst Report of Potato virus S Naturally Infecting Arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) in Peru2017‑11‑27J. De Souza, H. Gamarra, G. Müller, J. KreuzePlant DiseaseAPS Publications1
10.1089/bio.2018.0026PaperFurther Evidence That the Genebank Standards for Drying Orthodox Seeds May Not Be Optimal for Subsequent Seed Longevity2018 K. J. Whitehouse|O. F. Owoborode|O. O. Adebayo|O. A. Oyatomi|A. B. Olaniyan|M. T. Abberton|F. R. HayBiopreservation and BiobankingMary Ann Liebert, Inc.3 genéticas en el contenido de hierro y zinc en papas diploides en tres ciclos de selección recurrente2017 Vilma Rocio Hualla MamaniThesisUniversidad Nacional Agraria La Molina50 diversity among and within accessions of a lablab (Lablab purpureus) collection maintained in the ILRI forage genebank2024 MUKTAR, M.S., SARTIE, A.M., NEGAWO, A.T., HABTE, E., JONES, C.S.CGSpaceILRI1
10.20944/preprints202105.0465.v1PaperGenetic diversity and population structure of a Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) collection2021‑05‑20Alemayehu Teressa Negawo, Meki Shehabu Muktar, Yilikal Assefa, Jean Hanson, Alieu M. Sartie, Ermias Habte, Chris S. JonesPreprintsPreprints21 Diversity of African Bambara Groundnut [Vigna subterranean (L) Verdc] Landraces for Yield Traits in Southwestern Agro-environments of Nigeria2023‑09‑12Solomon Akinyosoye, Opeyemi Agbeleye, Johnson Adetumbi, Kehinde Bolarinwa, Omotola Oyeniyi, Folake AnjorinJournal of Underutilized LegumesSociety for Underutilized Legumes19
10.3390/plants12010013PaperGenetic Diversity, Population Structure and Subset Development in a Sesbania sesban Collection2022‑12‑20Alemayehu Teressa Negawo, Yilikal Assefa, Alice Muchugi, Habib Olumide Akinmade, Meki S. Muktar, Alieu M. Sartie, Chris S. JonesPlantsMDPI33
10.1016/j.cpb.2021.100196PaperGenetic factors enhancing seed longevity in tropical japonica rice2021‑06 Rency Raquid, Ajay Kohlia, Russell Reinke, Maribel Dionisio-Sese, Jieun Kwak, Dmytro Chebotarov, Youngjun Moc, Jae-Sung LeeCurrent Plant BiologyElsevier2
10.3389/fpls.2021.660012PaperGenetic Identity, Diversity, and Population Structure of CIP's Sweetpotato (I. batatas) Germplasm Collection2021‑10‑28Noelle L. Anglin, Ronald Robles, Genoveva Rossel, Rocio Alagon, Ana Panta, Robert L. Jarret, Norma Manrique, David EllisTechnical Advances in Plant ScienceFrontiers in Plant Science5,934
10.1139/gen-2017-0201PaperGenetic identity in genebanks: application of the SolCAP 12K SNP array in fingerprinting and diversity analysis in the global in trust potato collection2018‑05‑24D. Ellis|O. Chavez|J. Coombs|J. Soto|R. Gomez|D. Douches|A. Panta|R. Silvestre|N.L. AnglinGenomeNRC Research Press249
10.3390/agronomy10081191PaperGenetics of Height and Branching in Faba Bean (Vicia faba)2020‑08‑13Jessa Hughes, Hamid Khazaei, Albert VandenbergAgronomyMDPI2
10.1094/PDIS-11-21-2520-REPaperGenome Analysis and Pathobiology of Cassava-Infecting Torradoviruses Containing a Putative Maf/HAM1 Pyrophosphatase Domain2022‑10‑12Monica Carvajal-Yepes, Jenyfer Jimenez, John Belalcazar, Juan B. Cuasquer, Ivan Lozano, Cristian A. Olaya, Wilmer J. CuellarPlant DiseaseAPS Publications1
10.1038/s41597-020-0428-4PaperGenome assembly of six polyploid potato genomes2020‑03‑11Maria Kyriakidou|Noelle L. Anglin|David Ellis|Helen H. Tai|Martina V. StrömvikScientific DataNature Research Journal6
10.21608/ajas.2023.199563.1242PaperGenotype-by-Environment Interaction and Stability Analysis of Seed Yield and its Components of Faba Bean Genotypes under Different Irrigation Systems2023‑04‑01Aliaa A. Mohammed, Mohamed A. Sayed, Atif Abo-Elwafa, Bahy R. BakheitAssiut Journal of Agricultural SciencesAgronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, Egypt1
10.3390/d12030088PaperGenotyping-By-Sequencing Reveals Population Structure and Genetic Diversity of a Buffelgrass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) Collection2020‑02‑27Alemayehu Teressa Negawo|Yilikal Assefa|Jean Hanson|Asebe Abdena|Meki S. Muktar|Ermias Habte|Alieu M. Sartie|Chris S. JonesDiversityMDPI41
10.1007/s10722-018-0619-4PaperGenotyping-by-sequencing reveals the origin of the Tunisian relatives of cultivated carrot (Daucus carota)2018‑03‑06Najla Mezghani|Holly Ruess|Neji Tarchoun|Jihene Ben Amor|Philipp W. Simon|David M. SpoonerGenetic Resources and Crop EvolutionSpringer55
10.1515/opag-2017-0059PaperHeritability for Yield and Glycoalkaloid Content in Potato Breeding under Warm Environments2017 Manuel A. Gastelo Benavides, Luis Diaz, Gabriela Burgos, Thomas Zum Felde, Merideth BonierbaleOpen AgricultureDe Gruyter9