Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Publications and datasets citing GLIS DOIs

Showing 141-160 of 164 items.
Resource DOITypeTitlePublishedAuthorsJournalPublisherCited DOIs
10.15258/sst.2018.46.1.10PaperHigh-temperature drying of seeds of wild Oryza species intended for long-term storage2018‑02 Stephen E. Timple, Fiona R. HaySeed Science and TechnologyInternational Seed Testing Association4 proteomic studies of sprouted lentil2022 Sudipta DuttaThesisDepartment of Plant Sciences University of Saskatchewan5
10.1002/csc2.20034PaperVariance component estimations and mega-environments for sweetpotato breeding in West Africa2020‑01‑27Swanckaert J|Akansake D|Adofo K|Acheremu K|De Boeck B|Eyzaguirre R|Grüneberg WJ|Low JW|Campos HCrop ScienceWiley24 and antinutrient composition of selected West African Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) accessions2021‑07‑09Taofeek Tope Adegboyega, Mansurat O. Shoge, Anas Ali TamasiJournal of Underutilized LegumesSociety for Underutilized Legumes5
10.17138/tgft(9)89-96PaperVarietal differences in yield and nutritional quality of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) accessions during 20 months after planting in Ethiopia2021‑01‑31Tessema Atumo, Christopher Stephen JonesTropical grasslandsForages for the Future9 of New Oats (Avena sativa) variety “Ezo-ote” for Forage Production in Highlands of Ethiopia2024‑06‑20Tessema Tesfaye Atumo, Deribe Gemiyu Talore, Kibreab Yosefe, Worku Bedeke Baredo, Getachew Gudero Mengesha1, Tesfaye Abiso, Muluken Zeleke, Agdew Bekele W/silase, Getinet Kebede Kalsa, Tuma Ayele Yada, Kifle TawleOMO international journal of SciencesEthiopian Journals Online-EJOL1
10.59122/213abcPaperRegistration of New Oats (Avena sativa) variety “Ezo-ote” for Forage Production in Highlands of Ethiopia2024‑06 Tessema Tesfaye Atumo, Deribe Gemiyu Talore, Kibreab Yosefe, Worku Bedeke Baredo, Getachew Gudero Mengesha, Tesfaye Abiso, Muluken Zeleke, Agdew Bekele W/silase, Getinet Kebede Kalsa, Tuma Ayele Yada, Kifle TawleOMO International Journal of SciencesResearchGate1 de un índice de genes en Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. usando secuenciamiento 454 a partir de bibliotecas de cDNA y desarrollo de marcadores microsatélites2010 Tincopa Marca, Luz RosalinaThesisUniversidad Nacional Mayor De San Marcos7
10.4314/njbas.v31i1.8PaperMorphological characterization of selected cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] accessions from International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria2023‑10‑24T.O. Onuminya, M.A. Ogunkanmi, L.A. OgunkanmiNigerian Journal of Basic and Applied SciencesAfrican Journals Online21
10.3390/horticulturae9030311PaperVariability of Nutritional, Antioxidant, and Textural Traits of a Collection of Snap Beans of Different Colors2023‑02‑27Valeria Menga, Clara Fares, Ana Campa, Juan Jose Ferreira, Elena Bitocchi, Roberto Papa, Romina BeleggiaHorticulturaeMDPI54
10.3389/fpls.2021.630217PaperCabo Verde’s Poaceae Flora: A Reservoir of Crop Wild Relatives Diversity for Crop Improvement2021‑02‑01Vanézia Rocha, Maria C. Duarte, Silvia Catarino, Ivani Duarte, Maria M. RomeirasFrontiers in Plant ScienceNCBI1
10.1270/jsbbs.57.263PaperAssessment of Genetic Diversity of Philippine Rice Cultivars Carrying Good Quality Traits using SSR Markers2007‑12‑14Victoria C. Lapitan|Darshan S. Brar|Toshinori Abe|Edilberto D. RedoñaBreeding ScienceJ-STAGE5 genéticas en el contenido de hierro y zinc en papas diploides en tres ciclos de selección recurrente2017 Vilma Rocio Hualla MamaniThesisUniversidad Nacional Agraria La Molina50
10.1101/2023.03.11.532173PaperCharacterization of adaptation mechanisms in sorghum using a multi-reference back-cross nested association mapping design and envirotyping2023‑03‑12Vincent Garin, Chiaka Diallo, Mohamed Lamine Tekete, Korotimi Thera, Baptiste Guitton, Karim Dagno, Abdoulaye G. Diallo, Mamoutou Kouressy, Willmar Leiser, Fred Rattunde, Ibrahima Sissoko, Aboubacar Toure, Baloua Nebie, Moussa Samake, Jana Kholova, Julien Frouin, David Pot, Michel Vaksmann, Eva Weltzien, Niaba Teme, Jean-Francois RamiBiorXivBiorXiv1
10.1007/s12571-020-01037-8PaperAndean potato diversity conserved in the International Potato Center genebank helps develop agriculture in Uganda: the example of the variety 'Victoria'2020‑05‑22Vivian Bernal-Galeano, George Norton, David Ellis, Noelle L. Anglin, Guy Hareau, Melinda Smale, Nelissa Jamora, Jeffrey Alwang, Willy PradelFood SecuritySpringer2
10.1007/s10722-024-02157-2PaperCocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott) genetic resources and breeding: a review of 50 years of research efforts2024‑09‑08V. Lebot, A. Ivančič, F. LawacGenetic Resources and Crop EvolutionSpringer Link1 haplotype-resolved genome assemblies for AAB allotriploid bananas provide insights into banana subgenome asymmetric evolution and Fusarium wilt control2023‑11‑16Wen-Zhao Xie, Yu-Yu Zheng, Weidi He, Fangcheng Bi, Yaoyao Li, Tongxin Dou, Run Zhou, Yi-Xiong Guo, Guiming Deng, Wenhui Zhang, Min-Hui Yuan, Pablo Sanz- Jimenez, Xi-Tong Zhu, Xin-Dong Xu, Zu-Wen Zhou, Zhi-Wei Zhou, Jia-Wu Feng, Siwen Liu, Chunyu Li, Qiaosong Yang, Chunhua Hu, Huijun Gao, Tao Dong, Jiangbo Dang, Qigao Guo, Wenguo Cai, Jianwei Zhang, Ganjun Yi, Jia-Ming Song, Ou Sheng, Ling-Ling ChenPlant CommunicationsCSBP1 de 644 clones promisorios de papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) a las características agronómicas y atributos de calidad, bajo condiciones agroclimáticas de Paucartambo – Pasco2010 Wilder Denis, Blanco Miranda, Mariela Jacinta, Jauregui RicaldeThesisUniversidad Nacional Daniel Alcides Carrión25 de 10 clones de camote Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam. en el rendimiento de raíces reservantes en época de baja precipitación2000 William Santiago Santisteban AlvaradoThesisUniversidad Nacional Agraria de La Selva1
10.1094/PDIS-07-21-1582-REPaperScreening South American potato landraces and potato wild relatives for novel sources of late blight resistance2022‑01‑24Willmer Perez, Lesly Alarcon, Priscilla Rojas, Yanina Correa, Henry Juarez, Jorge Andrade-Piedra, Noelle Anglin, David EllisPlant diseaseAPS Publications125