Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Publications and datasets citing GLIS DOIs

Showing 41-60 of 142 items.
Resource DOITypeTitlePublishedAuthorsJournalPublisherCited DOIs
10.1101/830059PaperUnraveling the complex story of intergenomic recombination in ABB allotriploid bananas2019‑11‑04A. Cenci|J. Sardos|Y. Hueber|G. Martin|C. Breton|N. Roux|R. Swennen|S. C. Carpentier|M. RouardPreprintbioRxiv43
10.1111/pbr.12772PaperDevelopment and validation of a robust KASP marker for zt2 locus in faba bean (Vicia faba)2019‑10‑28Stefano Zanotto, Albert Vandenberg, Hamid KhazaeiPlant BreedingWiley1
10.1139/gen-2017-0201PaperGenetic identity in genebanks: application of the SolCAP 12K SNP array in fingerprinting and diversity analysis in the global in trust potato collection2018‑05‑24D. Ellis|O. Chavez|J. Coombs|J. Soto|R. Gomez|D. Douches|A. Panta|R. Silvestre|N.L. AnglinGenomeNRC Research Press249
10.1186/2047-217X-3-7PaperThe 3,000 rice genomes project2014‑05‑28CAAS|BGI|IRRIGigaScienceOxford University Press2,597
10.1186/2047-217X-3-8PaperThe 3,000 rice genomes project: new opportunities and challenges for future rice research2014‑05‑28Jia-Yang Li|Jun Wang|Robert S ZieglerGigaScienceOxford University Press2,597
10.1186/s12284-019-0281-2PaperExploring the genetic diversity within traditional Philippine pigmented Rice2019‑04‑30Edwige Gaby Nkouaya Mbanjo|Huw Jones|Xavier Greg Isaguirre Caguiat|Socorro Carandang|John Carlos Ignacio|Marilyn Cruz Ferrer|Lesley Ann Boyd|Tobias KretzschmarJournal of Pest ScienceSpringer Open157
10.1186/s43170-021-00065-4PaperDynamic guardianship of potato landraces by Andean communities and the genebank of the International Potato Center2021‑11‑27Sophia Lüttringhaus, Willy Pradel, Víctor Suarez, Norma C. Manrique‐Carpintero, Noelle L. Anglin, David Ellis, Guy Hareau, Nelissa Jamora, Melinda Smale, Rene GómezCABI Agriculture and BioscienceBMC10
10.1270/jsbbs.57.263PaperAssessment of Genetic Diversity of Philippine Rice Cultivars Carrying Good Quality Traits using SSR Markers2007‑12‑14Victoria C. Lapitan|Darshan S. Brar|Toshinori Abe|Edilberto D. RedoñaBreeding ScienceJ-STAGE5
10.1371/journal.pone.0181541PaperCombining ability of highland tropic adapted potato for tuber yield and yield components under drought2017‑07‑25Betaw Hirut, Hussein Shimelis, Mengistu Fentahun, Merideth Bonierbale, Manuel Gastelo, Asrat AsfawFreshwater EcosystemsPLOS2
10.14719/pst.2329PaperScreening of Chickpea genotypes from different agro-climatic areas against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris (race 3) using morphological and molecular marker2023‑06‑23Sarvjeet Kukreja, Vinod Goyal, Sanjeev KumarHorizon-e Publishing GroupPlant Science Today1
10.1515/opag-2017-0059PaperHeritability for Yield and Glycoalkaloid Content in Potato Breeding under Warm Environments2017 Manuel A. Gastelo Benavides, Luis Diaz, Gabriela Burgos, Thomas Zum Felde, Merideth BonierbaleOpen AgricultureDe Gruyter9
10.15258/sst.2018.46.1.10PaperHigh-temperature drying of seeds of wild Oryza species intended for long-term storage2018‑02 Stephen E. Timple, Fiona R. HaySeed Science and TechnologyInternational Seed Testing Association4
10.15258/sst.2018.46.1.16PaperResponse of intact seeds of wild rice (Oryza) species to dry heat treatment and dormancy-breaking chemicals2018‑03 S. E. Timple|F. R. Hay|M. F. O. Mercado|T. H. Borromeo|P. C. Sta. CruzSeed Science and TechnologyInternational Seed Testing Association15
10.15258/SST.2023.51.3.12PaperOvercoming dormancy in Desmanthus virgatu seeds for improved viability monitoring protocols of genebank accessions2023‑10‑16Olbana, T., Muchugi, A., Woldemariam, Y., Hay, F. R., Ndiwa, N., Jones, C. S.Seed Science and TechnologyInternational Seed Testing Association10
10.1534/G3.113.007153PaperConstruction of Reference Chromosome-Scale Pseudomolecules for Potato: Integrating the Potato Genome with Genetic and Physical Maps2013‑11‑01Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Daniel Bolser, Jan de Boer, Mads Sønderkær, Walter Amoros, Martin Federico Carboni, Juan Martín D’Ambrosio, German de la Cruz, Alex Di Genova, David S DouchesG3 Genes Genomes GeneticsOxford University Press1
10.1590/0034-737x202168010008PaperCombining abilities analysis for ear rot resistance in popcorn hybrids development2021‑02‑26Rafael Nunes de Almeida, Marcelo Vivas, Divino Rosa dos Santos Junior, Júlio Cesar Gradice Saluci, Mayara Cazadini Carlos, Juliana Saltires Santos, Antônio Teixeira do Amaral Júnior, Carlos Alberto ScapimRevista CeresSciELO1
10.17138/tgft(9)89-96PaperVarietal differences in yield and nutritional quality of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) accessions during 20 months after planting in Ethiopia2021‑01‑31Tessema Atumo, Christopher Stephen JonesTropical grasslandsForages for the Future9
10.17630/sta/1184PaperApplications of next-generation sequencing towards identifying novel disease resistance genes2024‑12‑05Moray SmithPhD ThesisUniversity of St. Andrews1
10.20944/preprints201806.0426.v1PaperWhen water runs dry and temperature heats up: Understanding the mechanisms in rice tolerance to drought and high temperature stress conditions2018‑06‑26Roel Rabara|Joseph Msanne|Marilyn Ferrer|Supratim BasuPrePrintsPrePrints2
10.20944/preprints202105.0465.v1PaperGenetic diversity and population structure of a Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) collection2021‑05‑20Alemayehu Teressa Negawo, Meki Shehabu Muktar, Yilikal Assefa, Jean Hanson, Alieu M. Sartie, Ermias Habte, Chris S. JonesPreprintsPreprints21