Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations  

International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

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Publications and datasets citing GLIS DOIs

Showing 141-160 of 164 items.
Resource DOITypeTitlePublishedAuthorsJournalPublisherCited DOIs trial of Lablab (Lablab purpureus) genotypes under rain fed conditions in Ethiopia2021‑12 Ermias Habte, Abel Gari, Hailu Lire, Chris JonesResearch Program on LivestockCGIAR143
10.4314/njbas.v31i1.8PaperMorphological characterization of selected cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] accessions from International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria2023‑10‑24T.O. Onuminya, M.A. Ogunkanmi, L.A. OgunkanmiNigerian Journal of Basic and Applied SciencesAfrican Journals Online21
10.21425/F5FBG46169PaperSeawater resistance in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) seeds: a key factor for natural dispersal from the Americas to Oceania2020 Andrade Pereira, Débora, Ferreira Nunes, Hendrie, Ruiz Pessenda, Luiz C.Frontiers of BiogeographyUC Merced13
10.5937/ffr0-42946PaperMicronutrient composition of milling streams of traditional wheat cultivars from Serbia2023 Živančev, Dragan, Buljovčić, Maja, Ninkov, Jordana, Antić, Igor, Mikić, Sanja, Jaćimović, Simona, Jocković, BojanInstitute of Field and Vegetable CropsFiVeR7
10.3390/plants13192830PaperEffect of Gas Exchange Rate, Vessel Type, Planting Density, and Genotype on Growth, Photosynthetic Activity, and Ion Uptake of In Vitro Potato Plants2024‑10‑09Rainer Vollmer, Janeth Espirilla, Juan Carlos Sánchez, Alexandre, F. S. Mello, Ana Espinoza, Rosalva Villagaray, Mario Castro, Sandra Pineda, Vania C. R. AzevedoPlantsMDPI7
10.1186/s43170-020-00015-6PaperSafeguarding and using global banana diversity: a holistic approach2020 Ines Van den Houwe, Rachel Chase, Julie Sardos, Max Ruas, Els Kempenaers, Valentin Guignon, Sebastien Massart, Sebastien Carpentier, Bart Panis, Mathieu Rouard, Nicolas RouxCABI Agriculture and BioscienceCABI20
10.1111/tpj.16329PaperA comprehensive metabolomics and lipidomics atlas for the legumes common bean, chickpea, lentil and lupin2023‑06‑07Mustafa Bulut, Regina Wendenburg, Elena Bitocchi, Elisa Bellucci, Magdalena Kroc, Tania Gioia, Karolina Susek, Roberto Papa, Alisdair R. Fernie, Saleh AlseekhThe Plant JournalWiley12
10.1016/j.jia.2024.12.021PaperIdentification and validation of two QTL associated with Fusarium head blight resistance in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)2024‑12‑18Cong Li, Lei Wu, Xinyao He, Yi He, Peng Jiang, Jian Ma, Pawan K. Singh, Xu ZhangJournal of Integrative AgricultureElsevier2
10.1093/g3journal/jkab447PaperA B73×Palomero Toluqueño mapping population reveals local adaptation in Mexican highland maize2022‑01‑03Sergio Perez-Limón, Meng Li, G Carolina Cintora-Martinez, M Rocio Aguilar-Rangel, M Nancy Salazar-Vidal, Eric González-Segovia, Karla Blöcher-Juárez, Alejandro Guerrero-Zavala, Benjamin Barrales-Gamez, Jessica Carcaño-Macias, Denise E Costich, Jorge Nieto-Sotelo, Octavio Martinez de la Vega, June Simpson, Matthew B Hufford, Jeffrey Ross-Ibarra, Sherry Flint-Garcia, Luis Diaz-Garcia, Rubén Rellán-Álvarez, Ruairidh J H SawersGene Genomics GeneticsOxford Academic2
10.59122/213abcPaperRegistration of New Oats (Avena sativa) variety “Ezo-ote” for Forage Production in Highlands of Ethiopia2024‑06 Tessema Tesfaye Atumo, Deribe Gemiyu Talore, Kibreab Yosefe, Worku Bedeke Baredo, Getachew Gudero Mengesha, Tesfaye Abiso, Muluken Zeleke, Agdew Bekele W/silase, Getinet Kebede Kalsa, Tuma Ayele Yada, Kifle TawleOMO International Journal of SciencesResearchGate1 diversity among and within accessions of a lablab (Lablab purpureus) collection maintained in the ILRI forage genebank2024 MUKTAR, M.S., SARTIE, A.M., NEGAWO, A.T., HABTE, E., JONES, C.S.CGSpaceILRI1
10.3390/plants12010013PaperGenetic Diversity, Population Structure and Subset Development in a Sesbania sesban Collection2022‑12‑20Alemayehu Teressa Negawo, Yilikal Assefa, Alice Muchugi, Habib Olumide Akinmade, Meki S. Muktar, Alieu M. Sartie, Chris S. JonesPlantsMDPI33
10.1094/PDIS-11-21-2520-REPaperGenome Analysis and Pathobiology of Cassava-Infecting Torradoviruses Containing a Putative Maf/HAM1 Pyrophosphatase Domain2022‑10‑12Monica Carvajal-Yepes, Jenyfer Jimenez, John Belalcazar, Juan B. Cuasquer, Ivan Lozano, Cristian A. Olaya, Wilmer J. CuellarPlant DiseaseAPS Publications1 varieties and samples of food crops that are resistant to heat and water shortages2023‑11‑11B.D. Allashov, S.Gʻ. JamolovCurrent issues of desert livestock farming, ecology and creation of pasture agrophytocenosesIN84
10.3389/fsufs.2022.1070108PaperTranscriptome and metabolome profiling provide insights into hormone-mediated enhanced growth in autotetraploid seedlings of banana (Musa spp.)2023‑01‑04Ni Zhan, Li Li, Liping Zhang, Weidi He, Qiaosong Yang, Fangcheng Bi, Guiming Deng, Andrew Kiggundu, Ganjun Yi, Ou ShengFrontiers in Sustainable Food SystemsFrontiers1 parental material in the sweetpotato breeding program in West Africa2019 Cédric SchindfesselThesis Faculty of Bioscience EngineeringGhent University50
10.3390/plants14030302PaperSelecting South American Popcorn Germplasm for Bipolaris maydis Resistance at Contrasting Nitrogen Levels2025‑01‑21Yure P. Souza, Hércules S. Pereira, Antonio T. Amaral, Jr., Gabriel M. B. Gonçalves, Julio C. G. Saluci, Rafael N. Almeida, Rysley F. Souza, Ana Lucia R. Souza, Luana C. Vasconcelos, Marcelo VivasPlantsMDPI8 proteomic studies of sprouted lentil2022 Sudipta DuttaThesisDepartment of Plant Sciences University of Saskatchewan5 genética de linhagens de milho-pipoca em um painel Sul-Americano2023‑02 Fernanda Vargas ValadaresThesisUniversidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro2
10.1016/j.xplc.2023.100681PaperHigh-quality genome assemblies for two Australimusa bananas (Musa spp.) and insights into regulatory mechanisms of superior fiber properties2024‑01‑08Run Zhou, Shuo Wang, Ni Zhan, Weidi He, Guiming Deng, Tongxin Dou, Xi-Tong ZhuWen-Zhao Xie, Yu-Yu Zheng, Chunhua Hu, Fangcheng Bi, Huijun Gao, Tao Dong, Siwen Liu, Chunyu Li, Qiaosong Yang, Lingqiang Wang, Jia-Ming Song, Jiangbo Dang4, Qigao Guo, Ganjun Yi, Ling-Ling Chen, Ou ShengPlant CommunicationsCell2